- export config to clipboard
- import config from clipboard
- load default config
- export discord link to console
- static legs in air
- zero pitch on land
- static legs on slow walk
- anti-aim mode (none, condition)
- condition
- override
- pitch (none, minimal, maximal)
- target yaw (local view, at targets)
- yaw add type (default, alternative)
- yaw offset
- yaw offset left
- yaw offset right
- yaw jitter (off, offset, center, random)
- yaw jitter value
- spin anti-aim
- spin range
- spin speed
- desync type (none, static, jitter)
- desync range
- inverted desync range
- body lean
- inverted body lean
- clantag spammer
- indicators (none, solid, gradient)
- color
- left gradient color
- right gradient color
- watermark
- keybinds
- windows style
- accent
- hit log
- manage colors
- hit color
- miss color
Tab: "Anti-Aim"
Child: "Anti-Aim"
[ * ] Mode {None, Default, Dynamic}
[ * ] Animation breakers {No jumping anim., Zero pitch on land}
[ * ] Extended desync
[ * ] Extended desync hotkey
[ * ] Left extended desync value
[ * ] Right extended desync value
Child: "Conditional Anti-Aims"
[ * ] Override Conditional Anti-Aims
[ * ] Current Condition
[ * ] settings ...
Child: "Anti-Bruteforce"
[ * ] Create New Phase
[ * ] Remove Phase
[ * ] phases ...
Tab: "Visuals"
Child: "Widgets"
[ * ] Widgets {Watermark, Keybinds, Indicators, Spectators, Anti-aimbot, Lags-Exploit}
[ * ] Style {Metamod gradient, Metamod, Solus v2}
[ * ] Blur
[ * ] Accent
[ * ] Glow
[ * ] Enable logs under crosshair
[ * ] Manage colors
[ * ] Hit color
[ * ] Miss color
Child: "Other"
[ * ] UI Color
[ * ] Enable hit marker
[ * ] Manage colors
[ * ] Default color
[ * ] Head color
[ * ] Enable hitbox on hit
[ * ] Ignore Z
[ * ] Duration
[ * ] Hitbox color
Tab: "Misc"
Child: "Other"
[ * ] Enable custom hit sound
[ * ] Hit sound volume
[ * ] Hit sound slector
[ * ] Refresh
Tab: "Configs"
Child: "Configs"
[ * ] Config slot
[ * ] Save
[ * ] Load
Update log:
[~] Reworked debug/revolver helper esp
[+] Added freestand on autopeek
[~] Fixed freestand hotkey
[+] Added disable fakelags on recharging (only auto)
[~] Reworked default preset
[+] Added conditional aa
[+] Added new preset - Dynamic
[~] Reworked keybinds
[~] Reworked spectators list
[~] Rewroked watermark
[~] Fixed hitmarker
[~] Fixed snaplines
[+] Added Circles arrows size
[~] Reworked hitlogs
[~] Fixed logs hitbox
[+] Added miss logs
[+] Added thanos snap
[+] Added bruteforce saving
Update log:
[+] Added mouse scrolling for childs
[+] Added menu style
[+] Added animation breaker [Static legs in air, Pitch 0 on land, Jitter legs]
[+] Added hitlogs [Hitlogs max value]
[+] Added clantag spammer
[+] Added new watermark
[+] Added spectators list (with avatars)
[+] Added new keybinds
[+] Added weapon in scope
[+] Added dark console
[+] Added snaplines
[+] Added zeusable indicator
[+] Added wireframe molotov [ignore-z]
[~] Reworked crosshair indicators
[+] Added new styles for crosshair indicators [default, alternative]
[+] Added scope animation for crosshair indicators
[+] Added velocity warning
[+] Added information panel [Default, Medusa]
[+] Added circles arrows
[~] Reworked anti-aim presets
[+] Added roll anti-aim
[+] Added revolver helper
[+] Added anti-bruteforce
"Type 1" AA renamed to "Default"
"Default" AA reworked
"Tank" AA reworked
"Alternative" AA added
New windows style added
[+] Added new type arrows
[+] Added new type on-screen indicators
[+] Added new type skeet indicators
[+] Added "dormancy" for "default" type on-screen indicators
[+] Added Legit AA
[+] Added colors
*In order for config system to work, create the "necron" folder on the C:\ drive and enable "Allow files edit" in the "Scripts" tab.
*In the future, the script will be completed.
*If you find bugs, dm me: Klient#1690
[+] Added new element (Holo hud)
[~] Reworked anti-bruteforce switch desync
*In order for config system to work, create the "necron" folder on the C:\ drive and enable "Allow files edit" in the "Scripts" tab.
*In the future, the script will be completed.
*If you find bugs, dm me: Klient#1690
для работы скрипта надо, скачать ласт версию чита, которая вышла сегодня.
[+] Added indicators type
[+] Added new element (fl indicator)
[+] Added skeet indicators
[+] Added arrows
[~] Minor update dafault config
[-] Removed lowdelta
*In order for config system to work, create the "necron" folder on the C:\ drive and enable "Allow files edit" in the "Scripts" tab.
*In the future, the script will be completed.
*If you find bugs, dm me: Klient#1690