HSkyWars | Уникальный плагин SkyWars

Плагин HSkyWars | Уникальный плагин SkyWars 2.0.7

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  • Solo: You can make maps with the players you want.
  • Team: You can make maps with teams you want.
  • Ranked: Coming soon.
Chest | You can create different types of chests and edit the items they already have
Cages | You can create your own boxes without the need to use external plugins.
Win Effects | 14 types of effects when winning that players can buy.
Balloons | You can create unlimited balloons and players can be purchased.
Kits | You can create custom kits, players can be purchased with or witout permission.
Levels | A level system and a ranked mode will be added soon.
MySQL/SQLite | You can use two types of database according to your preference.
Menus | You can edit and create menus according to your preference.
Game Votes:

  • Chests: You can vote for the types of items in the chests.
  • Time: You can vote by day, sunset or night
  • Projectiles: You can vote for explosive, destroyers, no projectiles.
  • Events: You can vote for the event of filling chests, dragon, wither, rain of arrows, rain of anvils, ghast, border.
Signs | Rotating signs system for solo / team game mode.
Challenges | You can choose the challenges within a game.
Parties | You can create your custom parties to play with your friends.
Holograms (Does not need any dependency):

  • Stats: You can create and modify your statistics holograms.
  • Tops: You can create holograms of tops and when you click they will be exchanged for kills, wins, deaths.
  • Chest: When you open a chest in game, the items it contains are placed and if the filling event is there, the time in which it will be filled will appear.
Leaderboard | Top system to see the best players.









  • HSkyWars:
    1. After buying the plugin download.
    2. Copy the plugin to your /plugins folder.
  • Dependencies:
    1. Download the latest version of PlaceholderAPI.
    2. Download the correct version of WorldEdit for your version of spigot.jar
  • After you have installed everything correctly, start the server.


  1. /setup spawnpoint: Set a spawnpoint.
  2. /setup hologram <top_kills/top_wins/default>: Add holograms.
  3. /setup create: Create an arena, when the map has been created, return the /setup command to give you a configuration guide.
/join: To enter an arena.

  1. /join random: Enter a random arena either solo or team.
  2. /join menu <solo/team>: Enter the arenas menú.
/leave: To get out of an arena.
/points: See player points.

  1. /points <add/remove>: To add or remove points from a player.
/hsw: Help command.
/start: Start an arena with more than two players in it.
/party: You can invite your friends to a party and be able to all enter the same game.


Code (Java):
<hsw-game_kills> | %hsw_game_kills%
<hsw-solo_kills> | %hsw_solo_kills%
<hsw-solo_deaths> | %hsw_solo_deaths%
<hsw-solo_wins> | %hsw_solo_wins%
<hsw-solo_shots> | %hsw_solo_shots%
<hsw-solo_hits> | %hsw_solo_hits%
<hsw-solo_played> | %hsw_solo_played%
<hsw-solo_blocks_broken> | %hsw_solo_blocks_broken%
<hsw-solo_blocks_placed> | %hsw_solo_blocks_placed%
<hsw-solo_walked> | %hsw_solo_walked%
<hsw-solo_time_played> | %hsw_solo_time_played%

<hsw-team_kills> | %hsw_team_kills%
<hsw-team_deaths> | %hsw_team_deaths%
<hsw-team_wins> | %hsw_team_wins%
<hsw-team_shots> | %hsw_team_shots%
<hsw-team_hits> | %hsw_team_hits%
<hsw-team_played> | %hsw_team_played%
<hsw-team_blocks_broken> | %hsw_team_blocks_broken%
<hsw-team_blocks_placed> | %hsw_team_blocks_placed%
<hsw-team_walked> | %hsw_team_walked%
<hsw-team_time_played> | %hsw_team_time_played%

<hsw-points> | %hsw_points%
<hsw-level> | %hsw_level%
<hsw-experience> | %hsw_experience%
<hsw-max_experience> | %hsw_max_experience%
<hsw-experience_percent> | %hsw_experience_percent%
<hsw-experience_bar> | %hsw_experience_bar%
<hsw-name> | playername
<hsw-cage> | %hsw_cage%
<hsw-balloon> | %hsw_balloon%
<hsw-wineffect> | %hsw_wineffect%
<hsw-kit> | %hsw_kit%
<hsw-trail> | %hsw_trail%


Code (Text):
public class SkyWarsAPI_Example implements Listener {

private Main plugin;
private SkyWarsAPI hsw;

public SkyWarsAPI_Example(final Main plugin){
this.plugin = plugin;
this.hsw = SkyWarsAPI.getInstance();

public void GameFinishSolo(final GameFinishSoloEvent event){
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void GameFinishTeam(final GameFinishTeamEvent event){
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getTeam();

public void GameLevelUp(final GameLevelUpEvent event){
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void GamePlayerDeath(final GamePlayerDeathEvent event){
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void GamePlayerJoinArena(final GamePlayerJoinArenaEvent event){
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void GamePlayerKill(final GamePlayerKillEvent event){
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void GamePlayerOpenGui(final GamePlayerOpenGuiEvent event){
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final GuiType guiType = event.getGuiType();

public void GameReload(final GameReloadEvent event){
final Arena arena = event.getArena();

public void GameStartEvent(final GameStartEvent event){
final Arena arena = event.getArena();

Code (YAML):
# To create a custom inventory
# It will be the title of the inventory
inventory_title: "&aThis is the &ctitle"
# The rows that the menu will have
inventory_rows: 3
# How to create a custom item?
# The item can be named or with the id, if it does not have data set it to 0 and the number of items that will appear
# If the item is SKULL_ITEM you can place some texture on the head:
# On this page https://minecraft-heads.com/ you will find textures, when you have selected a texture
# almost at the end of the page you will find a link and you will copy it and paste it here
skull: LINK;http://textures.minecraft.net/textu...f939dd83f00bce70b3d9130d419d226edca3300015d95
# If you want the texture to belong to a player, put a specific name or use this variable so that it recognizes
# the head of the person who opens the menu.
skull: NAME;<player>
# The name of the item, if you don't want it to have a name, delete the section
name: "&dItem &aName"
# The item's lore, if you don't want it to have lore, delete the section
- "&fthis is a lore"
# The menu slot where you will put the item:

slot: 10
# If you want the item to do nothing remove this section
# Close the menu you are in
- close
# To play a sound when the item is clicked
- play_sound:LEVEL_UP
# To open another menu, you must put the menu section
- open:menu_section
# To send a message by clicking, to create multiple lines use \n
- message:&amessage1\n&bmessage2
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