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Плагин HoloBroadcast
Нет прав для скачивания
broadcast holograms to players (individual or group)
bungeecord support (broadcasts to all servers)
Server/Bungee plugin (runs on both platform)
personal player settings with in-game GUI
send holograms when specific events are triggered
animations, items, particles and sounds in your holograms!
combat tag, templates and auto-announcer system
permission templates : templates that are displayed differently according to the watcher's permissions!
scheduling system to schedule your broadcasts
Supports HEX Colors (&<#ffffff>)
Private Messages system (/hb msg and /hb reply)
Placeholders with PlaceHolderAPI or MVdWPlaceHolderAPI
hook to PlotSquared v5
hook to FACTIONS (also supports forks and remakes such as SaberFactions / SavageFactions)
Asynchronous holograms (running on their own thread) which means incredible performances
API with custom events (cancellable and editable)