
LUA LeyHitreg 3.0.7

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LeyHitreg improves Hit Registration by replacing the serverside Hit Registration with clientside Hit Registration. Ley Hitreg lays on top of the original Hit Registration system and additionally corrects mismatching shots and hit groups.
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No this does not fix your bad aim​

if you don't want to buy it, then just don't
no this does not allow lag switches edition
yes this does work with M9K and CW2

How does this impact server performance​

It will keep the load on your server either equal or potentially eventually reduce the load on your server since your server will not need to run any lag compensation anymore.


  • No FPS impact
  • Easy to install
  • Works with your custom SWEPS
  • Works with your custom damage scaling
  • Does, however, not work with HL2 weapons

What are situations in which this might help me​

If you have a low tickrate server or a player lags or generally your server is known for fake hits.
This will prevent the situations where your bullet hits (blood comes out of someones head) yet the bullet doesn't register. It'll most likely benefit all players with a ping over 20.

How do I install this?​

  • Unzip it to your servers addons/ folder so you have addons/leyhitreg/
  • optional: change the option in clleyhitreg.lua/svleyhitreg.lua to something random, both have to be the same though to enhance security

I have a issue/complaint!​

Then make a ticket. If you don't make a ticket, I won't be able to assist you.


If no blood comes out your bullet defo missed. No point blaming hit registration. Your hits aren't decided by your skill alone, but also by your spread/recoil and thus luck.

How does it work​

Normally the game sends a packet to the server saying he wants to shoot a bullet and the entire hit registration/confirmation is done serverside, while the client tries to determine whether he hit/not using his own view of the game based on his tick. However, the data of the client and the server does not always match up. Therefore, the server uses certain algorithms to roll back the state depending on how much the user lagged. This is referred to as lag compensation. The main issue is, this kind of rollback isn't perfect especially since the server does not have all data and the two are not fully synced up.
That's the issue this addon tackles. To solve this, the client additionally tells the server whether his shot was a hit and which hit group he shot. This solves the issue since the client is the one dictating whether a shot was a hit. If the client doesn't send a shot then the game just does its normal serverside HitReg. Additionally, the server has validations for checking whether the shot being sent is reasonable to avoid exploitation, such as shooting through walls.
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