OTC V4 TrashTalk

JS OTC V4 TrashTalk 0.1

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TrashTalk для Кряка в4 с популярными фразами из TrashTalk для Neverlose
Код для копирования
function getRandomArrayElement(arr){
var min = 0;
var max = (arr.length - 1);
var randIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
return arr[randIndex];

var says = [];

var old_time = 0;

var elements = [0, 3, 5];

UI.AddSubTab( ["Misc.", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "eng trashtalk");
UI.AddCheckbox( ["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk"], "Enable trashtalk");
UI.AddDropdown( ["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk"], "Delay", ["0 seconds", "3 seconds", "5 seconds", "Custom"], 0);
UI.AddSliderFloat( ["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk"], "Custom delay", 0.0, 10.0);

const normal_killsays = [

"I'd tell you to shoot yourself, but I bet your miss",
"You should let your chair play, at least it knows how to support.",
"The only thing lower than your k/d ratio is your I.Q.",
"Did you know sharks only kill 5 people each year? Looks like you got some competition",
"My knife is well-worn, just like your mother.",
"Get the bomb, at least you will carry something this game.",
"Options -> How To Play",
"My dead dad has better aim than you, it only took him one bullet",
"Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall",
"Internet Explorer is faster than your reactions.",
"I'm surprised you've got the brain power to keep your heart beating",
"You're about as useful as pedals on a wheelchair.",
"You define autism",
"The only thing you carry is an extra chromosome.",
"You don't deserve to play this game. Go back to playing with crayons and shitting yourself",
"Yo mama so fat when she plays Overpass, you can shoot her on Mirage.",
"The only thing you can throw are rounds.",
"I'm not trash talking, I'm talking to trash.",
"If you were a CSGO match, your mother would have a 7day cooldown all the time, because she kept abandoning you.",
"Choose your excuse: 1.Lags | 2.New mouse | 3.Low FPS | 4.Low team | 5.Hacker | 6.Lucker | 7.Smurf | 8.Hitbox | 9.Tickrate",
"Your family tree must be a circle.",
"Everyone who loves you is wrong.",
"If CS:GO is too hard for you maybe consider a game that requires less skill, like idk.... solitaire?",
"Oops, I must have chosen easy bots by accident...",
"I thought I put bots on hard, why are they on easy?",
"Is your monitor on?",
"Don't be a loser, buy a rope and hang yourself.",
"If I were to commit suicide, I would jump from your ego to your elo.",
"Do you feel special? Please try suicide again... Hopefully you will be successful this time.",
"If I were to commit suicide, I would jump from your ego to your elo.",
"I'm not trash talking, I'm talking to trash.",
"Sell your computer and buy a Wii.",
"Idk if u know but it's mouse1 to shoot.",
"How did you change your difficulty settings? My CS:GO is stuck on easy",
"You are the reason why people say the csgo community sucks.",
"The only thing lower than your k/d ratio is your I.Q.",
"Your aim is so poor that people held a fundraiser for it",
"Better buy PC, stop playing at school library",
"The only thing more unreliable than you is the condom your dad used.",
"Calling you a retard is a compliment in comparison to how stupid you actually are.",
"I didnt know dying was a special ability.",
"If I jumped from your ego to your intelligence, Id die of starvation half-way down.",
"Studies show that aiming gives you better chances of hitting your target.",
"You should let your chair play, at least it knows how to support.",
"There are about 37 trillion cells working together in your body right now, and you are disappointing every single one of them.",
"I'd call you a tool, but that would imply you were useful in at least one way.",
"Youre the human equivalent of a participation award.",
"I'd love to see things from your perspective, but I dont think I could shove my head that far up my ass.",
"I'm not trash talking, Im talking to trash",
"Legend has it that the number 0 was first invented after scientists calculated your chance of doing something useful.",
"You're the type of player to get 3rd place in a 1v1 match",
"I'm not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.",
"You're an inspiration for birth control.",
"Does your ass ever get jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth",
"You should turn the game off. Just walk outside and find the nearest tree, then apologise to it for wasting so much oxygen.",
"I'd tell you to shoot yourself, but I bet your miss",
"Did you know sharks only kill 5 people each year? Looks like you got some competition",
"Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall",
"To which foundation do I need to donate to help you?",
"I'm sure your bodypillow is very proud of you.",
"Two wrongs dont make a right, take your parents as an example.",
"I bet the last time u felt a breast was in a kfc bucket",
"Maybe God made you a bit too special.",
"I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you never use it.",
"It must be difficult for you, exhausting your entire vocabulary in one sentence.",
"You have some big balls on you. Too bad they belong to the guy fucking you from behind.",
"If only you could hit an enemy as much as your dad hits you.",
"I'm surprised that you were able hit the Install button",
"Some people get paid to suck, you do it for free.",
"I would ask you how old you are but I know you can't count that high.",
"I'm okay with this team. I work in the city as a garbage collector. I'm used to carrying trash.",
"You're as dense as a brick, but honestly a less useful one.",
"I'd call you cancer, but at least cancer gets kills",
"Who set the bots to passive?",
"You're the reason abortion was legalized",
"How much did you tag that wall for??",
"This server is VAC secured, no aimware users here. Buy skeet.cc",
"Your Brett got delivered by skeet.cc",
"I don't cheat, I am just smurfing with skeet.cc",
"I can hear you chrouching, you think i hack? You are Good damn right Son I use skeet.cc",
"server cvar 'sv_rekt' changed to 1.",
"You think you can kill me? You are Funny. Not without skeet.cc dude",
"I thought I put bots on hard, why are they on easy?",
"skeet > all refund your copy paste trash.",
"skeet.cc OWNS ME AND ALL",
"you guys buy accounts on ebay?? Go buy them on skeet.cc it's much cheaper",
"You have the reaction time of a dead puppy. Buy skeet.cc to improve.",
"Without skeet.cc the only thing you carry is an extra chromosome.",
"If I wanted to suicide, i'd jump from your ego to your elo, just get good and buy skeet.cc",
"is that a decoy, or are you trying to shoot somebody?",
"Don't cry and say I'll get banned, it's just annoying. I wont get banned anyways with skeet.cc.",
"Nice $4750 decoy you just bought. Buy skeet.cc to finally hit your shots.",
"Even Noah can't carry these animals without skeet.cc.",
"skeet.cc - best features without lack of security.",
"1 dog",
"1 nn",
"Is it a joke?",

const hs_killsays = [

"I'd tell you to shoot yourself, but I bet your miss",
"You should let your chair play, at least it knows how to support.",
"The only thing lower than your k/d ratio is your I.Q.",
"Did you know sharks only kill 5 people each year? Looks like you got some competition",
"My knife is well-worn, just like your mother.",
"Get the bomb, at least you will carry something this game.",
"Options -> How To Play",
"My dead dad has better aim than you, it only took him one bullet",
"Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall",
"Internet Explorer is faster than your reactions.",
"I'm surprised you've got the brain power to keep your heart beating",
"You're about as useful as pedals on a wheelchair.",
"You define autism",
"The only thing you carry is an extra chromosome.",
"You don't deserve to play this game. Go back to playing with crayons and shitting yourself",
"Yo mama so fat when she plays Overpass, you can shoot her on Mirage.",
"The only thing you can throw are rounds.",
"I'm not trash talking, I'm talking to trash.",
"If you were a CSGO match, your mother would have a 7day cooldown all the time, because she kept abandoning you.",
"Choose your excuse: 1.Lags | 2.New mouse | 3.Low FPS | 4.Low team | 5.Hacker | 6.Lucker | 7.Smurf | 8.Hitbox | 9.Tickrate",
"Your family tree must be a circle.",
"Everyone who loves you is wrong.",
"If CS:GO is too hard for you maybe consider a game that requires less skill, like idk.... solitaire?",
"Oops, I must have chosen easy bots by accident...",
"I thought I put bots on hard, why are they on easy?",
"Is your monitor on?",
"Don't be a loser, buy a rope and hang yourself.",
"If I were to commit suicide, I would jump from your ego to your elo.",
"Do you feel special? Please try suicide again... Hopefully you will be successful this time.",
"If I were to commit suicide, I would jump from your ego to your elo.",
"I'm not trash talking, I'm talking to trash.",
"Sell your computer and buy a Wii.",
"Idk if u know but it's mouse1 to shoot.",
"How did you change your difficulty settings? My CS:GO is stuck on easy",
"You are the reason why people say the csgo community sucks.",
"The only thing lower than your k/d ratio is your I.Q.",
"Your aim is so poor that people held a fundraiser for it",
"Better buy PC, stop playing at school library",
"The only thing more unreliable than you is the condom your dad used.",
"Calling you a retard is a compliment in comparison to how stupid you actually are.",
"I didnt know dying was a special ability.",
"If I jumped from your ego to your intelligence, Id die of starvation half-way down.",
"Studies show that aiming gives you better chances of hitting your target.",
"You should let your chair play, at least it knows how to support.",
"There are about 37 trillion cells working together in your body right now, and you are disappointing every single one of them.",
"I'd call you a tool, but that would imply you were useful in at least one way.",
"Youre the human equivalent of a participation award.",
"I'd love to see things from your perspective, but I dont think I could shove my head that far up my ass.",
"I'm not trash talking, Im talking to trash",
"Legend has it that the number 0 was first invented after scientists calculated your chance of doing something useful.",
"You're the type of player to get 3rd place in a 1v1 match",
"I'm not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.",
"You're an inspiration for birth control.",
"Does your ass ever get jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth",
"You should turn the game off. Just walk outside and find the nearest tree, then apologise to it for wasting so much oxygen.",
"I'd tell you to shoot yourself, but I bet your miss",
"Did you know sharks only kill 5 people each year? Looks like you got some competition",
"Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall",
"To which foundation do I need to donate to help you?",
"I'm sure your bodypillow is very proud of you.",
"Two wrongs dont make a right, take your parents as an example.",
"I bet the last time u felt a breast was in a kfc bucket",
"Maybe God made you a bit too special.",
"I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you never use it.",
"It must be difficult for you, exhausting your entire vocabulary in one sentence.",
"You have some big balls on you. Too bad they belong to the guy fucking you from behind.",
"If only you could hit an enemy as much as your dad hits you.",
"I'm surprised that you were able hit the Install button",
"Some people get paid to suck, you do it for free.",
"I would ask you how old you are but I know you can't count that high.",
"I'm okay with this team. I work in the city as a garbage collector. I'm used to carrying trash.",
"You're as dense as a brick, but honestly a less useful one.",
"I'd call you cancer, but at least cancer gets kills",
"Who set the bots to passive?",
"You're the reason abortion was legalized",
"How much did you tag that wall for??",
"This server is VAC secured, no aimware users here. Buy skeet.cc",
"Your Brett got delivered by skeet.cc",
"I don't cheat, I am just smurfing with skeet.cc",
"I can hear you chrouching, you think i hack? You are Good damn right Son I use skeet.cc",
"server cvar 'sv_rekt' changed to 1.",
"You think you can kill me? You are Funny. Not without skeet.cc dude",
"I thought I put bots on hard, why are they on easy?",
"skeet > all refund your copy paste trash.",
"skeet.cc OWNS ME AND ALL",
"you guys buy accounts on ebay?? Go buy them on skeet.cc it's much cheaper",
"You have the reaction time of a dead puppy. Buy skeet.cc to improve.",
"Without skeet.cc the only thing you carry is an extra chromosome.",
"If I wanted to suicide, i'd jump from your ego to your elo, just get good and buy skeet.cc",
"is that a decoy, or are you trying to shoot somebody?",
"Don't cry and say I'll get banned, it's just annoying. I wont get banned anyways with skeet.cc.",
"Nice $4750 decoy you just bought. Buy skeet.cc to finally hit your shots.",
"Even Noah can't carry these animals without skeet.cc.",
"skeet.cc - best features without lack of security.",
"1 dog",
"1 nn",
"Is it a joke?",

function visibility(){
var enable = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Enable trashtalk"]);
UI.SetEnabled(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Delay"], enable);
if (enable && UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Delay"]) == 3){
UI.SetEnabled(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Custom delay"], 1);
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Custom delay"], 0);

function timer(){
if (!UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Enable trashtalk"])) return;
var value = 0;
if (UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Delay"]) != 3){
value = elements[UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Delay"])];
} else {
value = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Custom delay"]);
if (says.length > 0){
if (Globals.Curtime( ) - old_time >= value){
old_time = Globals.Curtime();
} else {
old_time = Globals.Curtime();

function trash(){
if(!UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "eng trashtalk", "SHEET_MGR", "eng trashtalk", "Enable trashtalk"])) return;
var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
if(Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attacker) && attacker != Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")))
if (Event.GetInt("headshot") == 1){
says.push("say " + getRandomArrayElement(hs_killsays));
} else {
says.push("say " + getRandomArrayElement(normal_killsays));

Cheat.PrintChat("trashtalk js loaded, killsay count: " + normal_killsays.length + ", " + hs_killsays.length + "\n");
Cheat.Print("trashtalk js loaded, killsay count: " + normal_killsays.length + ", " + hs_killsays.length + "\n");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "visibility");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "timer");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "trash");
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