SUPERIORITY Читы для раст 2392 | Alkad 2392 | Cheat | Rust cheat | 2392 | Бесплатный чит | 2392 |

Undetected SUPERIORITY Читы для раст 2392 | Alkad 2392 | Cheat | Rust cheat | 2392 | Бесплатный чит | 2392 | 2392

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Пиратский чит SUPERIORITY


Rage Aimbot

Legit Aimbot

Draw Silent FOV


Fake Lag

- Функция, которая позволяет отображать различные индикаторы на экране.
- Доступны настройки: Recoil (отдача), Reload Indicator (индикатор перезарядки), Spread (разброс), Fire Rate (скорострельность), Power Shot (мощный выстрел), Span (дальность), Thickness (толщина), Health (здоровье), Distance (расстояние), Held Item (выбранное оружие), Raid ESP (информация о рейде), Hand Chans (информация о руках), Skeleton (скелет противника), Hit Effect (эффект при попадании), Health Bar (полоска здоровья), Radar (радар), Snaplines (линии до противников), Vehicles (информация о транспорте), Offscreen Indicator (индикатор противников за экраном).

No Fall Damage

Silent Walk

Instant Revive


Auto Upgrade

Farm Assist

Brightness Changer

Walk On Water

Fast Loot

Auto Med

Walk Through Players

Fake Admin

Walk Through Trees

- Функция, которая позволяет пробивать стены и другие объекты, чтобы поразить цель за ними.

Override Hitbox

Full Automatic
- Функция, которая позволяет автоматически стрелять из оружия без необходимости нажимать на курок.

- Функция, которая увеличивает толщину стен и других объектов, чтобы защитить игрока от выстрелов.

Heli Heakspot

Power Shot

- Функция, которая увеличивает урон, наносимый выстрелами.

- Функция, которая уменьшает отдачу оружия, чтобы выстрелы были более точными.

- Функция, которая позволяет изменять параметры игры, такие как скорость передвижения и здоровье игроков.

CFG Path:

Win + R


Pirate cheat SUPERIORITY


Rage Aimbot:

- A feature that allows you to shoot enemies with high accuracy and speed.

- No additional settings.

Legit Aimbot:

- A feature that allows you to shoot opponents with some accuracy and speed so as not to arouse suspicion.

- Available settings: Drau FOV, Automatic Shoot, AinPos Randomizer, Smoothing.

Draw Silent FOV:

- A feature that allows you to shoot enemies without the sound of the shot.

- Available settings: Draw Silent FOV (viewing angle), Silent FOU (body parts that can be shot silently).


- A feature that allows you to select the enemy body parts to shoot at.

- Available settings: Head, Hitboxes (other body parts).

Fake Lag:

- A feature that allows you to create a data delay so that the enemy cannot accurately determine your location.

- Available settings: Fake Lag (delay in milliseconds).


- A feature that allows you to display various indicators on the screen.

- Available settings: Recoil, Reload Indicator, Spread, Fire Rate, Power Shot, Span, Thickness, Health, Distance, Held Item, Raid ESP, Hand Chans, Skeleton, Hit Effect, Health Bar, Radar, Snaplines, Vehicles, Offscreen Indicator.

No Fall Damage:

- A feature that allows you to take no damage when you fall from a height.

- No additional settings.

Silent Walk:

- A feature that allows you to walk silently.

- No advanced settings.

Instant Revive:

- A feature that allows you to instantly revive allies.

- No additional settings.


- A feature that allows you to remove various objects from the game.

- Available settings are Renove (remove objects), Renove Gr (remove grass and vegetation), Renove Rain (remove rain), Renove Fog (remove fog), Remove Wind (remove wind), Renove Grass & Clutter D (remove grass and debris).


- A feature that allows you to change the gravity in the game.

- Available settings: Gravity (gravity force).

Auto Upgrade:

- A feature that allows you to automatically upgrade structures.

- No additional settings available.

Farm Assist:

- A feature that allows you to automatically harvest resources.

- No Advanced Settings.

Brightness Changer:

- Function that allows you to change the brightness of the game.

- Available settings: A (brightness).

Walk On Water:

- Function that allows you to walk on water.

- No additional settings are available.

Fast Loot:

- Function that allows you to quickly collect items.

- No additional settings.

Auto Med:

- A feature that allows you to automatically use medical items.

- No additional settings.

Walk Through Players:

- A feature that allows you to walk through other players.

- No additional settings.

Fake Admin:

- A feature that allows you to impersonate a server administrator.

- No additional settings.

Walk Through Trees:

- A feature that allows you to walk through trees.

- No additional settings.


- A function that allows you to pierce walls and other objects to hit a target behind them.

Override Hitbox
- A feature that alters the target's location so shots hit exactly the right spot.

Full Automatic
- A feature that lets you fire your weapon automatically without having to pull the trigger.

- A feature which makes walls and other objects thicker, to protect the player from gunfire.

Heli Heakspot.
- A feature which allows the player to see the location of a helicopter on the map.

Power Shot
- A feature that increases the damage dealt by gunshots.

- A feature which reduces the recoil of weapons so shots are more accurate.

- A feature that allows you to change game parameters, such as movement speed and player health.
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