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LUA ulx доп команды 1

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добавляет различные команды для ulx:
- ulx administrate - Cloak yourself, noclip yourself, and god yourself. (say: !admin) (opposite: ulx unadministrate)
- ulx bancheck <string> - Checks if a steamid or ip address is banned. (say: !bancheck)
- ulx banip <minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x> <address> - Bans ip address.
- ulx bot [<number: default 0>] - Spawn or remove bots. (say: !bot) (opposite: ulx kickbots)
- ulx cancelcmd - Runs the specified command after a number of seconds. (say: !cancelcmd)
- ulx cleardecals - Clear decals for all players. (say: !cleardecals)
- ulx color <players> <color> - Add trails on players. (say: !setcolor) (opposite: ulx resetcolor)
- ulx convar <variable> <value> - Change a server ConVar. (say: !convar) (opposite: ulx sconvar)
- ulx csaycolor <message> <color> - Send a message to everyone in the center of their screen with color. (say: !csaycolor)
- ulx dban - Open the disconnected players menu (say: !dban)
- ulx donate - View donation information. (say: !donate)
- ulx enter <player> - Force a player into a vehicle. (say: !enter)
- ulx exit <player> - Force a player out of a vehicle. (say: !exit)
- ulx explode <players> - Explode a player (say: !explode)
- ulx fakeban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Doesn't actually ban the target. (say: !fakeban)
- ulx fbring <player> - Brings target to you and freezes them. (say: !fbring)
- ulx forcerespawn <players> - Force-respawn a player. (say: !forcerespawn)
- ulx frags_deaths <players> <number> - Set a player's frags and deaths. (say: !frags) (opposite: ulx deaths)
- ulx friends <player> - Print a player's connected steam friends. (say: !friends)
- ulx fteleport <player> - Teleports target and freezes them. (say: !ftp)
- ulx getcommandtable <player> - Get a player's table of concommands that have been added with lua (say: !getcommandtable)
- ulx gethooktable <player> - Get a player's table of hooks that have been added with lua (say: !gethooktable)
- ulx give <players> <entity> - Give a player an entity (say: !give) (opposite: ulx sgive)
- ulx giveammo <players> <amount: 0<=x> - Set a player's ammo (say: !giveammo) (opposite: ulx setammo)
- ulx gravity <players> <gravity> - Sets target's gravity. (say: !gravity)
- ulx hide {command} - Run a command without it displaying the log echo. (say: !hide)
- ulx hook <type> <identifier> <args> <string to run> - Hook a function to run a string on the server. (opposite: ulx printhooks)
- ulx ip <player> - Copies a player's IP address. (say: !copyip)
- ulx jumppower <players> [<power: default 200>] - Set a player's jump power. Default=200 (say: !jumppower)
- ulx launch <players> - Launch players into the air. (say: !launch)
- ulx maprestart - Forces a mapchange to the current map. (say: !maprestart)
- ulx material <players> <material> - Set a player's material. (say: !material) (opposite: ulx resetmaterial)
- ulx model <players> <model> - Set a player's model. (say: !model)
- ulx multiban <players> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans multiple targets.
- ulx notepad - Open the admin note (say: !notepad)
- ulx notifications <players> <text> <type> [<duration: 1<=x<=120, default 5>] - Send a sandbox-type notification to players. (say: !notifications)
- ulx pgag <players> - Gag target(s), disables microphone using pdata. (say: !pgag) (opposite: ulx unpgag)
- ulx printpgags - Prints players who are pgagged. (say: !printpgags)
- ulx profile <player> - Opens target's profile (say: !profile)
- ulx removehook <type> <identifier> - Remove a previously added hook.
- ulx removehookcl <player> <type> <identifier> - Remove a previously added hook.
- ulx removeragdolls - Remove all ragdolls. (say: !removeragdolls)
- ulx resetdata <player> - Reset easter egg data.
- ulx resetmap - Resets the map to its original state. (say: !resetmap)
- ulx runscript <pathname> [<Print script to console?: 0/1>] - Run a lua script on the server. (opposite: ulx srunscript)
- ulx runscriptcl <players> <pathname> [<Print script to console?: 0/1>] - Run a lua script on target(s). (opposite: ulx srunscriptcl)
- ulx sasay {message} - Send a message to currently connected superadmins. (say: $)
- ulx sban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans target silently. (say: !sban)
- ulx scale <players> <multiplier: 0<=x, default 1> - Set the model scale of a player and also changes the players viewpoint depending on what scale was set. (say: !scale)
- ulx sendlua <players> {string} - Run a lua string on a client. ssendlua = silent echo (say: !sendlua) (opposite: ulx ssendlua)
- ulx serverinfo - Print server information. (say: !serverinfo)
- ulx setwarp <name> - Sets a warp position. (say: !setwarp)
- ulx shock <players> [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Shock players (say: !shock)
- ulx skick <player> [{reason}] - Kicks target. (say: !skick)
- ulx soundlist - Open the server soundlist (say: !soundlist)
- ulx speed <players> <walk speed: 0<=x<=20000, default 0> <run speed: 0<=x<=20000, default 0> - Sets target's speed. Set a value to 0 to leave it unchanged. Set both to 0 to reset (say: !speed)
- ulx stopsounds - Stops sounds/music of everyone in the server. (say: !ss)
- ulx thirdperson - Toggles third person mode (say: !thirdperson)
- ulx timedcmd <command> <seconds: 1<=x> - Runs the specified command after a number of seconds. (say: !timedcmd)
- ulx timescale <multiplier: default 1> - Set the server timescale. (say: !timescale) (opposite: ulx resettimescale)
- ulx trail <players> <color> <Start Width: default 16> <End Width: default 0> <Length: default 5> <type> - Add trails on players. (say: !trail) (opposite: ulx removetrail)
- ulx tsaycolor <message> <color> - Send a message to everyone in the chat box with color. (say: !color)
- ulx unbanip <address> - Unbans ip address.
- ulx unvotegag <players> - Ungag the player (say: !unvotegag)
- ulx unvotemute <players> - Unmute the player (say: !unvotemute)
- ulx url <players> {url} - Open a URL on target(s). (say: !url) (opposite: ulx surl)
- ulx votegag <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 3>] - Starts a public vote gag against target. (say: !votegag)
- ulx votemute <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 3>] - Starts a public vote mute against target. (say: !votemute)
- ulx warp <name> - Warps to a set position (say: !warp)
- ulx watch <player> {reason} - Watch or unwatch a player (say: !watch) (opposite: ulx unwatch)
- ulx watchlist - View the watchlist (say: !watchlist)
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