SH Cameras

LUA SH Cameras 1.2.0

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SH Cameras
Why use this add-on?

  • RT Cameras do not allow for multiple viewpoints, whereas this add-on does.
  • SH Cameras can be destroyed, which is useful if you're a robber or something.
  • Frequency is easily configurable (either by using the camera/TV or pointing at them with the Remote Control)
  • Mini-camera: Place a mini-camera in someone's home to spy on them!
  • Hear players talking on voice chat through the cameras
  • PermaProps support (except ownership)
  • Cameras can be temporarily disabled with the Watch Dogs Phone
  • Easy installation; plop into the addons folder, restart the server and it's done!
  • Configuration is done in shcam_config.lua - everything is commented
  • Translation support: Easily translate the add-on's strings to your language via the config file!
  • Low performance cost: this add-on is heavily optimized for a low FPS impact.
This add-on is to be used on any Sandbox-derived gamemode; DarkRP works. Contact me if you need support on a gamemode in particular.


  1. Extract the add-on's folder from the zip into your server's addons folder
  2. Configure the add-on to your likings via shcam_config.lua
  3. If your server is running DarkRP, make sure to make the prop_sh_camera and prop_sh_tv available for purchase. (Optionally, prop_sh_minicamera and shcam_remotecontrol as well)
  4. Restart the server and the add-on is ready to be used!
The add-on is set by default to send the content used via the Workshop, but it can also be configured to send the needed files via FastDL.

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