Всем привет, хочу вам скинуть старую js друга, которая была в последний раз обновлена 1 января 2021 года, она нуждается в небольшом вроде фиксе, крч надеюсь вы все поняли, а вот и js.
// SubTabs
UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[HOLASYSTEM] Anti Aim")
UI.AddSubTab(["Misc.", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC" )
// SubTabs
// R A G E - B O T
UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT"], "Enable Chat Logging")
UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT"], "Enable For Team Logging")
hitboxes = [
'left arm',
'right arm',
'left leg',
'right leg',
var shots = 0;
var predicthc = 0;
var safety = 0;
var hitboxName = "";
var choked = 0;
var exploit = 0;
var logs = [];
var logsct = [];
var logsalpha = [];
function getHitboxName(index)
switch (index)
case 0:
hitboxName = "head";
case 1:
hitboxName = "head";
case 2:
hitboxName = "stomach";
case 3:
hitboxName = "stomach";
case 4:
hitboxName = "stomach";
case 5:
hitboxName = "chest";
case 6:
hitboxName = "chest";
case 7:
hitboxName = "left leg";
case 8:
hitboxName = "right leg";
case 9:
hitboxName = "left leg";
case 10:
hitboxName = "right leg";
case 11:
hitboxName = "left leg";
case 12:
hitboxName = "right leg";
case 13:
hitboxName = "left arm";
case 14:
hitboxName = "right arm";
case 15:
hitboxName = "left arm";
case 16:
hitboxName = "left arm";
case 17:
hitboxName = "right arm";
case 18:
hitboxName = "right arm";
hitboxName = "body";
return hitboxName;
function HitgroupName(index) {
return hitboxes[index] || 'body';
var target = -1;
var shots_fired = 0;
var hits = 0;
var lastUpdate = 0;
var logged = false;
function ragebot_fire() {
predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
logged = false;
lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();
function hitlog() {
var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;
var hittype = "Hit ";
me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;
var flags = "";
if (exploit == 2)
flags += "T";
flags += "B";
if (hitbox == 1)
flags += "H";
if (safety == 1) {
safety = "true";
else {
safety = "false";
if (weapon == "hegrenade")
hittype = "Naded ";
else if (weapon == "inferno")
hittype = "Burned ";
else if (weapon == "knife")
hittype = "Knifed ";
if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], "[onetap] ");
if(hittype == "Hit ") {
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "Enable For Team Logging"])==1) {
whatsay = hittype + name + " in " + HitgroupName(hitbox) + " for " + target_damage.toString() + " (" + target_health.toString() + " remaining)";
Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say_team " + whatsay);
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
Cheat.PrintChat(" \x08[\x0conetap\x08] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)\n");
Cheat.Print(hittype+name+" in "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed="+hitboxName+"\n");
logs.push(hittype+name+" in "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed="+hitboxName);
else {
Cheat.Print(hittype+name+" in "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed="+hitboxName+"\n");
logs.push(hittype+name+" in "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed="+hitboxName);
if (shots == 99)
shots = 0;
function removelogs() {
if (logs.length > 6) {
if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {
function onDraw() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
var font = Render.GetFont("Lucon.ttf", 12, true);
for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
Render.String(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
Render.String(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);
if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
shots_fired = 0;
hits = 0;
if (!logged) {
var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
logged = true;
var issafe = "true";
var reason = "?";
if (safety == 0) {
issafe = "false";
if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
reason = "death";
else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
reason = "dead";
else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
reason = "spread";
else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
reason = "prediction error";
var flags = "";
if (exploit == 2)
flags += "T";
flags += "B";
Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], "[onetap] ");
Cheat.Print("Missed shot due to "+reason+"\n");
logs.push("Missed shot due to "+reason);
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "[HOLASYSTEM] RAGEBOT", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
Cheat.PrintChat("\x08Missed shot due to \x07"+reason);
if (shots == 99)
shots = 0;
function main123() {
Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebot_fire");
Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
//minimum dmg override
UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Minimum damage override", "Minimum damage ");
var wep2tab = {"usp s" : "USP","glock 18" : "Glock","dual berettas" : "Dualies","r8 revolver" : "Revolver","desert eagle" : "Deagle","p250" : "P250","tec 9" : "Tec-9",
"mp9": "MP9","mac 10": "Mac10","pp bizon": "PP-Bizon","ump 45" : "UMP45","ak 47" : "AK47","sg 553" : "SG553","aug" : "AUG","m4a1 s": "M4A1-S","m4a4": "M4A4","ssg 08": "SSG08",
"awp" : "AWP","g3sg1" : "G3SG1","scar 20" : "SCAR20","xm1014" : "XM1014","mag 7" : "MAG7","m249" : "M249","negev" : "Negev","p2000" : "General","famas" : "FAMAS","five seven" : "Five Seven","mp7" : "MP7",
"ump 45" : "UMP45","p90" : "P90","cz75 auto" : "CZ-75","mp5 sd" : "MP5","galil ar" : "GALIL","sawed off" : "Sawed off"};
var tab_names = ["General","USP","Glock","Five Seven","Tec-9","Deagle","Revolver","Dualies","P250","CZ-75","Mac10","P90","MP5","MP7","MP9","UMP45","PP-Bizon","M4A1-S","M4A4","AK47","AUG","SG553","FAMAS","GALIL","AWP","SSG08","SCAR20","G3SG1","M249","XM1014","MAG7","Negev","Sawed off"];
function setup_menu() {
for (k in tab_names) {
UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", tab_names[k]], "Minimum damage override", 0,100);
function pew(){
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment","Minimum damage override"])) {
var tab = wep2tab[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
if (tab == undefined) {tab = "General";}
var override = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", tab,"Minimum damage override"]);
if (override == 0 && tab != "General") {override = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", "General","Minimum damage override"])}
var en = Entity.GetEnemies();
for (e in en) {
Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(en[e], override);
//minimum dmg override
//fastest double-tap
var time, delay, fillbar, shotsfired;
function can_shift_shot(ticks_to_shift) {
var me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
var wpn = Entity.GetWeapon(me);
if (me == null || wpn == null)
return false;
var tickbase = Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase");
var curtime = Globals.TickInterval() * (tickbase-ticks_to_shift)
if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(me, "CCSPlayer", "m_flNextAttack"))
return false;
if (curtime < Entity.GetProp(wpn, "CBaseCombatWeapon", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack"))
return false;
return true;
function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
var is_charged = Exploit.GetCharge()
Exploit[(is_charged != 1 ? "Enable" : "Disable") + "Recharge"]()
if (can_shift_shot(17) && is_charged != 1) {
function _TBC_UNLOAD() {
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "_TBC_UNLOAD");
//fastest double-tap
//double-tap fix
is_DT = 0;
function dt_fix()
isDoubletap = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Exploits", "Key assignment", "Double tap"]);
g_Local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
g_Local_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(g_Local);
weapon_name = Entity.GetName(g_Local_weapon);
g_Local_classname = Entity.GetClassName( g_Local_weapon );
if ((g_Local_classname == "CKnife" || weapon_name == "r8 revolver" || g_Local_classname == "CHEGrenade" || g_Local_classname == "CMolotovGrenade" || g_Local_classname == "CIncendiaryGrenade" || g_Local_classname == "CFlashbang" || g_Local_classname == "CSmokeGrenade" || g_Local_classname == "CDecoyGrenade" || g_Local_classname == "CWeaponTaser" || g_Local_classname == "CC4"))
is_DT = 0;
is_DT = isDoubletap;
UI.SetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "Exploits", "SHEET_MGR", "General", "Double tap"], is_DT);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "dt_fix");
//double-tap fix
// R A G E - B O T
// A N T I - A I M
UI.AddTextbox(["Rage", "[HOLASYSTEM] Anti Aim", "[HOLASYSTEM] Anti Aim"], " ==SOON!==");
// A N T I - A I M
// M I S C
UI.AddCheckbox(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC","[HOLASYSTEM] MISC"], "animfucker")
var BreakLeg = true
var Loop = 1;
var Loop2 = 1;
function legs () {
if(UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "animfucker"])) {
var Amount = 10 * 0
if (BreakLeg == true) {
if ( Loop2 > Amount ) {
UI.SetValue( ["Misc." , "Movement" , "Leg movement"] , 1 )
UI.SetValue( ["Rage" , "Anti Aim" , "Jitter move"] , 1 )
Loop2 = 0;
BreakLeg = false
}else if (BreakLeg == false) {
if ( Loop2 > Amount ){
UI.SetValue( ["Misc." , "Movement" , "Leg movement"] , 0 )
UI.SetValue( ["Rage" , "Anti Aim" , "Jitter move"] , 0 )
Loop2 = 0;
BreakLeg = true
Loop2 = Loop2 + 1;
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "legs");
//watermark, keybinds
UI.AddColorPicker(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC"], "Watermark")
var color = UI.GetColor(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "Watermark"]);
function draw() {
var today = new Date();
var hours1 = today.getHours();
var minutes1 = today.getMinutes();
var seconds1 = today.getSeconds();
var hours = hours1 <= 9 ? "0"+hours1+":" : hours1+":";
var minutes = minutes1 <= 9 ? "0" + minutes1+":" : minutes1+":";
var seconds = seconds1 <= 9 ? "0" + seconds1 : seconds1;
var server_tickrate = Globals.Tickrate().toString()
var ms = Math.round(Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString()
color = UI.GetColor(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "Watermark"]);
var font = Render.GetFont("Seguihis.ttf", 12, true);
var text = "holasystem" + " | " + Cheat.GetUsername() + " | delay: " + ms + "ms | " + server_tickrate + "tick | " + hours + minutes + seconds;
var w = Render.TextSize(text, font)[0] + 8;
var x = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];
x = x - w - 10;
Render.FilledRect(x, 10, w, 2, [ color[0], color[1], color[2], 255 ]);
Render.FilledRect(x, 12, w, 16, [ 12, 12, 12, 100 ]);
Render.String(x+3, 10 + 1, 0, text, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], font);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");
UI.AddColorPicker(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC"], "Binds")
const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC"], "b_x", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC"], "b_y", 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
var color = UI.GetColor(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "Binds"]);
var alpha = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;
var swalpha = 0;
var fdalpha = 0;
var apalpha = 0;
var aialpha = 0;
var spalpha = 0;
var fbalpha = 0;
var dtalpha = 0;
var hsalpha = 0;
var doalpha = 0;
var textalpha = 0;
var h = new Array();
function in_bounds(vec, x, y, x2, y2) {
return (vec[0] > x) && (vec[1] > y) && (vec[0] < x2) && (vec[1] < y2)
function main_hotkeys() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
const x = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "b_x"]),
y = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "b_y"]);
color = UI.GetColor(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "Binds"]);
var font = Render.GetFont("Seguihis.ttf", 12, true);
var frames = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
var width = 75;
var maxwidth = 0;
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Slow walk"])) {
swalpha = Math.min(swalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
swalpha = swalpha - frames;
if (swalpha < 0) swalpha = 0;
if (swalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Slow Walk"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"])) {
fdalpha = Math.min(fdalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
fdalpha = fdalpha - frames;
if (fdalpha < 0) fdalpha = 0;
if (fdalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Fake Duck"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Keys", "Key assignment", "Auto peek"])) {
apalpha = Math.min(apalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
apalpha = apalpha - frames;
if (apalpha < 0) apalpha = 0;
if (apalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Auto Peek"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force safe point"])) {
spalpha = Math.min(spalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
spalpha = spalpha - frames;
if (spalpha < 0) spalpha = 0;
if (spalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Force Safe Point"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force body aim"])) {
fbalpha = Math.min(fbalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
fbalpha = fbalpha - frames;
if (fbalpha < 0) fbalpha = 0;
if (fbalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Force Body-aim"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Exploits", "Key assignment", "Double tap"])) {
dtalpha = Math.min(dtalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
dtalpha = dtalpha - frames;
if (dtalpha < 0) dtalpha = 0;
if (dtalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Double Tap"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Exploits", "Key assignment", "Hide shots"])) {
hsalpha = Math.min(hsalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
hsalpha = hsalpha - frames;
if (hsalpha < 0) hsalpha = 0;
if (hsalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Hide Shots"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"])) {
doalpha = Math.min(doalpha + frames, 1);
} else {
doalpha = doalpha - frames;
if (doalpha < 0) doalpha = 0;
if (doalpha == 0) {
h.splice(h.indexOf("Minimum Damage"));
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Slow walk"])) {
if (h.indexOf("Slow Walk") == -1)
h.push("Slow Walk")
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"])) {
if (h.indexOf("Fake Duck") == -1)
h.push("Fake Duck")
if (UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Keys", "Key assignment", "Auto peek"])) {
if (h.indexOf("Auto Peek") == -1)
h.push("Auto Peek")
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force safe point"])) {
if (h.indexOf("force Safe Point") == -1)
h.push("Force Safe Point")
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force body aim"])) {
if (h.indexOf("Force Body-aim") == -1)
h.push("Force Body-aim")
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Exploits", "Key assignment", "Double tap"])) {
if (h.indexOf("Double Tap") == -1)
h.push("Double Tap")
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Exploits", "Key assignment", "Hide shots"])) {
if (h.indexOf("Hide Shots") == -1)
h.push("Hide Shots")
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"])) {
if (h.indexOf("Minimum Damage") == -1)
h.push("Minimum Damage")
if (h.length > 0) {
alpha = Math.min(alpha + frames, 1);
} else {
alpha = alpha - frames;
if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
if (Render.TextSize(h[i], font)[0] > maxwidth) {
maxwidth = Render.TextSize(h[i], font)[0];
if (maxwidth == 0) maxwidth = 50;
width = width + maxwidth;
if (alpha > 0) {
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 3, width, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 5, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, 255]);
Render.String(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSize("Binds", font)[0] / 2) + 2, y + 9, 0, "Binds", [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + width / 2 - (Render.TextSize("Binds", font)[0] / 2) + 1, y + 8, 0, "Binds", [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);
//Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23, width, 18 * h.length, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], alpha * 255)]);
for (i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
switch (h[i]) {
case 'Slow Walk':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(swalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
case 'Fake Duck':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(fdalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
case 'Auto Peek':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(apalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
case 'Force Safe Point':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(spalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
case 'Force Body-aim':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(fbalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
case 'Double Tap':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(dtalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
case 'Hide Shots':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(hsalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
case 'Minimum Damage':
Render.FilledRect(x, y + 23 + 18 * i, width, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math.min(color[3], Math.min(doalpha * 255, 0))]);
Render.String(x + 3, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x + 2, y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);
Render.String(x - 3 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.String(x - 2 + width - Render.TextSize("[on]", font)[0], y + 26 + 18 * i, 0, "[on]", [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
const mouse_pos = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(mouse_pos, x, y, x + width, y + 30)) {
UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "b_x"], mouse_pos[0] - width / 2);
UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "b_y"], mouse_pos[1] - 20);
Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "main_hotkeys")
//watermark, keybinds
//aspect ratio
var old_aspectratio = Convar.GetString("r_aspectratio")
UI.AddSliderFloat(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC"], "Aspect ratio", 0.0, 5.0);
function aspectratio() {
var value = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "Aspect ratio"]).toString();
var current = Convar.GetString("r_aspectratio");
if(current == value) return;
Convar.SetString("r_aspectratio", value);
function restoreAspectRatio() {
Convar.SetString("r_aspectratio", old_aspectratio);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "restoreAspectRatio");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "aspectratio");
var a = UI.AddSliderInt(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC"], "Fix Turn speed", 0, 500)
function d()
UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC","Fix Turn speed"], UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "[HOLASYSTEM] MISC", "Fix Turn speed"]))
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "d")
// M I S C