JS [v3/v4] Neverlose`s damage marker on onetap

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  • 18
Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
! Чтобы скрипт работал установите шрифт из папки

v3 Code:

UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)
UI.AddCheckbox('Damage marker')
UI.AddColorPicker('Hit color')
    UI.SetColor('Script items', 'Hit color', [255,255,255,255])
UI.AddColorPicker('Lethal hit color')
    UI.SetColor('Script items', 'Lethal hit color', [255,0,0,255])
UI.AddSliderInt('Numbers size', 8, 20)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size', 15)
UI.AddSliderInt('Ticks damage lasts', 50, 600)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts', 300)
UI.AddSliderInt('Damage indicator weight and speed', 1, 15)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Damage indicator weight and speed', 3)
UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)

function m() {
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts', UI.GetValue('Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Damage weight and speed', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Hit color', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Lethal hit color', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Numbers size', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'm')

var particles = []

function hurt() {
        attacker = Event.GetInt("attacker");
        index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
        user_id = Event.GetInt("userid");
        user = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(user_id);
        if (index == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && index != user) {
            var pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(user, Event.GetInt("hitgroup"))
            if (pos == undefined) {
                pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(user)
                pos[2] = pos[2] + 30
            pos[0] = (pos[0] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[1] = (pos[1] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[2] = (pos[2] - 15) + (Math.random() * 40)
                particles.push([pos, Globals.Tickcount() + UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts'), Event.GetInt("health"), Event.GetInt("dmg_health")])

Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'hurt')

function tick() {
        for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            object = particles[i]
            var delta = object[1] - Globals.Tickcount()
            if (delta > 0) {
                object[0][2] += (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage indicator weight and speed') / 10)

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'tick')

function draw() {
        for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            position = Render.WorldToScreen(particles[i][0])
            var timer = particles[i][1]  - Globals.Tickcount()
            health_remaining = particles[i][2]

            globalColor = [255,255,255,255]

            if (timer > 255) {
                timer = 255
            if (!(timer < 0)) {
                if (position != undefined) {
                    if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker')) {
                        if (health_remaining > 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Hit color') }
                        if (health_remaining <= 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Lethal hit color') }
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1] + 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1] - 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0] + 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0] - 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [globalColor[0], globalColor[1], globalColor[2], timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
            if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) particles = []

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')

v4 Code:

UI.AddSubTab(['Visuals', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Damage marker')
UI.AddCheckbox(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Damage marker')
UI.AddColorPicker(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Hit color')
    UI.SetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color'], [255,255,255,255])
UI.AddColorPicker(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Lethal hit color')
    UI.SetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color'], [255,0,0,255])
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Numbers size', 8, 20)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size'], 15)
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Ticks damage lasts', 50, 600)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts'], 300)
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Damage indicator weight and speed', 1, 15)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed'], 3)

function m() {
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'm')

var particles = []

function hurt() {
        attacker = Event.GetInt("attacker");
        index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
        user_id = Event.GetInt("userid");
        user = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(user_id);
        if (index == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && index != user) {
            var pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(user, Event.GetInt("hitgroup"))
            if (pos == undefined) {
                pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(user)
                pos[2] = pos[2] + 30
            pos[0] = (pos[0] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[1] = (pos[1] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[2] = (pos[2] - 15) + (Math.random() * 40)
                particles.push([pos, Globals.Tickcount() + UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts']), Event.GetInt("health"), Event.GetInt("dmg_health")])

Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'hurt')

function tick() {
        for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            object = particles[i]
            var delta = object[1] - Globals.Tickcount()
            if (delta > 0) {
                object[0][2] += (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed']) / 10)

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'tick')

function draw() {
        for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            position = Render.WorldToScreen(particles[i][0])
            var timer = particles[i][1]  - Globals.Tickcount()
            health_remaining = particles[i][2]

            globalColor = [255,255,255,255]

            if (timer > 255) {
                timer = 255
            if (!(timer < 0)) {
                if (position != undefined) {
                    if (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'])) {
                        if (health_remaining > 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color']) }
                        if (health_remaining <= 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color']) }
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1] + 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1] - 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0] + 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0] - 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [globalColor[0], globalColor[1], globalColor[2], timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
            if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) particles = []

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')


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  • 247
  • 23
! Чтобы скрипт работал установите шрифт из папки

v3 Code:

UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)
UI.AddCheckbox('Damage marker')
UI.AddColorPicker('Hit color')
    UI.SetColor('Script items', 'Hit color', [255,255,255,255])
UI.AddColorPicker('Lethal hit color')
    UI.SetColor('Script items', 'Lethal hit color', [255,0,0,255])
UI.AddSliderInt('Numbers size', 8, 20)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size', 15)
UI.AddSliderInt('Ticks damage lasts', 50, 600)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts', 300)
UI.AddSliderInt('Damage indicator weight and speed', 1, 15)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Damage indicator weight and speed', 3)
UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)

function m() {
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts', UI.GetValue('Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Damage weight and speed', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Hit color', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Lethal hit color', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Numbers size', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'm')

var particles = []

function hurt() {
        attacker = Event.GetInt("attacker");
        index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
        user_id = Event.GetInt("userid");
        user = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(user_id);
        if (index == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && index != user) {
            var pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(user, Event.GetInt("hitgroup"))
            if (pos == undefined) {
                pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(user)
                pos[2] = pos[2] + 30
            pos[0] = (pos[0] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[1] = (pos[1] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[2] = (pos[2] - 15) + (Math.random() * 40)
                particles.push([pos, Globals.Tickcount() + UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts'), Event.GetInt("health"), Event.GetInt("dmg_health")])

Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'hurt')

function tick() {
        for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            object = particles[i]
            var delta = object[1] - Globals.Tickcount()
            if (delta > 0) {
                object[0][2] += (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage indicator weight and speed') / 10)

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'tick')

function draw() {
        for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            position = Render.WorldToScreen(particles[i][0])
            var timer = particles[i][1]  - Globals.Tickcount()
            health_remaining = particles[i][2]

            globalColor = [255,255,255,255]

            if (timer > 255) {
                timer = 255
            if (!(timer < 0)) {
                if (position != undefined) {
                    if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker')) {
                        if (health_remaining > 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Hit color') }
                        if (health_remaining <= 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Lethal hit color') }
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1] + 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1] - 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0] + 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0] - 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [globalColor[0], globalColor[1], globalColor[2], timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
            if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) particles = []

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')

v4 Code:

UI.AddSubTab(['Visuals', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Damage marker')
UI.AddCheckbox(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Damage marker')
UI.AddColorPicker(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Hit color')
    UI.SetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color'], [255,255,255,255])
UI.AddColorPicker(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Lethal hit color')
    UI.SetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color'], [255,0,0,255])
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Numbers size', 8, 20)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size'], 15)
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Ticks damage lasts', 50, 600)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts'], 300)
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Damage indicator weight and speed', 1, 15)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed'], 3)

function m() {
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'm')

var particles = []

function hurt() {
        attacker = Event.GetInt("attacker");
        index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
        user_id = Event.GetInt("userid");
        user = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(user_id);
        if (index == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && index != user) {
            var pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(user, Event.GetInt("hitgroup"))
            if (pos == undefined) {
                pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(user)
                pos[2] = pos[2] + 30
            pos[0] = (pos[0] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[1] = (pos[1] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[2] = (pos[2] - 15) + (Math.random() * 40)
                particles.push([pos, Globals.Tickcount() + UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts']), Event.GetInt("health"), Event.GetInt("dmg_health")])

Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'hurt')

function tick() {
        for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            object = particles[i]
            var delta = object[1] - Globals.Tickcount()
            if (delta > 0) {
                object[0][2] += (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed']) / 10)

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'tick')

function draw() {
        for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            position = Render.WorldToScreen(particles[i][0])
            var timer = particles[i][1]  - Globals.Tickcount()
            health_remaining = particles[i][2]

            globalColor = [255,255,255,255]

            if (timer > 255) {
                timer = 255
            if (!(timer < 0)) {
                if (position != undefined) {
                    if (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'])) {
                        if (health_remaining > 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color']) }
                        if (health_remaining <= 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color']) }
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1] + 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1] - 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0] + 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0] - 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [globalColor[0], globalColor[1], globalColor[2], timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
            if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) particles = []

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')
Хотя бы ss прикрепил бы...
  • 226
  • 7
Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
! Чтобы скрипт работал установите шрифт из папки

v3 Code:

UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)
UI.AddCheckbox('Damage marker')
UI.AddColorPicker('Hit color')
    UI.SetColor('Script items', 'Hit color', [255,255,255,255])
UI.AddColorPicker('Lethal hit color')
    UI.SetColor('Script items', 'Lethal hit color', [255,0,0,255])
UI.AddSliderInt('Numbers size', 8, 20)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size', 15)
UI.AddSliderInt('Ticks damage lasts', 50, 600)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts', 300)
UI.AddSliderInt('Damage indicator weight and speed', 1, 15)
    UI.SetValue('Script items', 'Damage indicator weight and speed', 3)
UI.AddSliderInt('', 0, 0)

function m() {
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts', UI.GetValue('Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Damage weight and speed', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Hit color', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Lethal hit color', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))
    UI.SetEnabled('Script items', 'Numbers size', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker'))

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'm')

var particles = []

function hurt() {
        attacker = Event.GetInt("attacker");
        index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
        user_id = Event.GetInt("userid");
        user = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(user_id);
        if (index == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && index != user) {
            var pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(user, Event.GetInt("hitgroup"))
            if (pos == undefined) {
                pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(user)
                pos[2] = pos[2] + 30
            pos[0] = (pos[0] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[1] = (pos[1] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[2] = (pos[2] - 15) + (Math.random() * 40)
                particles.push([pos, Globals.Tickcount() + UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Ticks damage lasts'), Event.GetInt("health"), Event.GetInt("dmg_health")])

Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'hurt')

function tick() {
        for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            object = particles[i]
            var delta = object[1] - Globals.Tickcount()
            if (delta > 0) {
                object[0][2] += (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage indicator weight and speed') / 10)

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'tick')

function draw() {
        for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            position = Render.WorldToScreen(particles[i][0])
            var timer = particles[i][1]  - Globals.Tickcount()
            health_remaining = particles[i][2]

            globalColor = [255,255,255,255]

            if (timer > 255) {
                timer = 255
            if (!(timer < 0)) {
                if (position != undefined) {
                    if (UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Damage marker')) {
                        if (health_remaining > 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Hit color') }
                        if (health_remaining <= 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor('Script items', 'Lethal hit color') }
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1] + 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1] - 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0] + 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0] - 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
                            Render.StringCustom(position[0], position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toStringCustom(), [globalColor[0], globalColor[1], globalColor[2], timer], Render.AddFont('MuseoSansCyrl-700.ttf', UI.GetValue('Script items', 'Numbers size'), 700))
            if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) particles = []

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')

v4 Code:

UI.AddSubTab(['Visuals', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Damage marker')
UI.AddCheckbox(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Damage marker')
UI.AddColorPicker(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Hit color')
    UI.SetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color'], [255,255,255,255])
UI.AddColorPicker(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Lethal hit color')
    UI.SetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color'], [255,0,0,255])
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Numbers size', 8, 20)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size'], 15)
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Ticks damage lasts', 50, 600)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts'], 300)
UI.AddSliderInt(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'], 'Damage indicator weight and speed', 1, 15)
    UI.SetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed'], 3)

function m() {
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))
    UI.SetEnabled(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size'], UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker']))

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'm')

var particles = []

function hurt() {
        attacker = Event.GetInt("attacker");
        index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
        user_id = Event.GetInt("userid");
        user = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(user_id);
        if (index == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && index != user) {
            var pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(user, Event.GetInt("hitgroup"))
            if (pos == undefined) {
                pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(user)
                pos[2] = pos[2] + 30
            pos[0] = (pos[0] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[1] = (pos[1] - 10) + (Math.random() * 50)
            pos[2] = (pos[2] - 15) + (Math.random() * 40)
                particles.push([pos, Globals.Tickcount() + UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Ticks damage lasts']), Event.GetInt("health"), Event.GetInt("dmg_health")])

Cheat.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'hurt')

function tick() {
        for (i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            object = particles[i]
            var delta = object[1] - Globals.Tickcount()
            if (delta > 0) {
                object[0][2] += (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage indicator weight and speed']) / 10)

Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'tick')

function draw() {
        for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
            position = Render.WorldToScreen(particles[i][0])
            var timer = particles[i][1]  - Globals.Tickcount()
            health_remaining = particles[i][2]

            globalColor = [255,255,255,255]

            if (timer > 255) {
                timer = 255
            if (!(timer < 0)) {
                if (position != undefined) {
                    if (UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker'])) {
                        if (health_remaining > 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Hit color']) }
                        if (health_remaining <= 0) { globalColor = UI.GetColor(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Lethal hit color']) }
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1] + 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1] - 1, 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0] + 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0] - 1, position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [0,0,0, timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
                            Render.String(position[0], position[1], 1, '-' + particles[i][3].toString(), [globalColor[0], globalColor[1], globalColor[2], timer], Render.GetFont('Museo Sans Cyrl 700.ttf', UI.GetValue(['Visuals', 'Damage marker', 'Damage marker', 'Numbers size']), true))
            if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) particles = []

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')
не работает
  • 2
  • 0
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