Исходник Приятный вид от 3-го лица

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  • 42
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Мелочь, но приятно. Сделано примерно как в нл.
В hooked_overrideview.cpp (Тема взята с другого форума)
void Thirdperson_Init(bool fakeducking, float progress) {
/* our current fraction. */
static float current_fraction = 0.0f;

auto distance = ((float)g_cfg.misc.thirdperson_distance) * progress;
Vector angles, inverse_angles;

// get camera angles.

// cam_idealdist convar.
inverse_angles.z = distance;

// set camera direction.
Vector forward, right, up;
math::angle_vectors(inverse_angles, &forward, &right, &up);

// various fixes to camera when fakeducking.
auto eye_pos = fakeducking ? g_ctx.local()->GetAbsOrigin() + m_gamemovement()->GetPlayerViewOffset(false) : g_ctx.local()->GetAbsOrigin() + g_ctx.local()->m_vecViewOffset();
auto offset = eye_pos + forward * -distance + right + up;

// setup trace filter and trace.
CTraceFilterWorldOnly filter;
trace_t tr;

// tracing to camera angles.
m_trace()->TraceRay(Ray_t(eye_pos, offset, Vector(-16.0f, -16.0f, -16.0f), Vector(16.0f, 16.0f, 16.0f)), 131083, &filter, &tr);

// interpolate camera speed if something behind our camera.
if (current_fraction > tr.fraction)
current_fraction = tr.fraction;
else if (current_fraction > 0.9999f)
current_fraction = 1.0f;

// adapt distance to travel time.
current_fraction = math::interpolate(current_fraction, tr.fraction, m_globals()->m_frametime * 10.0f);
angles.z = distance * current_fraction;

// override camera angles.
m_input()->m_vecCameraOffset = angles;

void thirdperson(bool fakeducking)
/* thirdperson code. */
static float progress;
static bool in_transition;
static auto in_thirdperson = false;

if (!in_thirdperson && g_ctx.globals.in_thirdperson)
in_thirdperson = true;
else if (in_thirdperson && !g_ctx.globals.in_thirdperson)
in_thirdperson = false;

if (g_ctx.local()->is_alive() && in_thirdperson)
in_transition = false;

if (!m_input()->m_fCameraInThirdPerson)
m_input()->m_fCameraInThirdPerson = true;
progress -= m_globals()->m_frametime * 8.f + (progress / 100);
progress = std::clamp(progress, 0.f, 1.f);

if (!progress)
m_input()->m_fCameraInThirdPerson = false;
in_transition = true;
m_input()->m_fCameraInThirdPerson = true;

if (m_input()->m_fCameraInThirdPerson && !in_transition)
progress += m_globals()->m_frametime * 8.f + (progress / 100);
progress = std::clamp(progress, 0.f, 1.f);

Thirdperson_Init(fakeducking, progress);

/* thirdperson on death code. */
static auto require_reset = false;

if (g_ctx.local()->is_alive())
require_reset = false;

if (g_cfg.misc.thirdperson_when_spectating)
if (require_reset)
g_ctx.local()->m_iObserverMode() = OBS_MODE_CHASE;

if (g_ctx.local()->m_iObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE)
require_reset = true;
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