Фэйкдак для мм (v4)

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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Сливаю фэйкдак на в4 или нью в3
VT: VirusTotal
сама жжска
// Add hotkeys to the menu.
UI.AddHotkey(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR", "Scripts", "SHEET_MGR", "Keys", "JS Keybinds"], "Fake duck", "Fake duck");
UI.AddHotkey(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR", "Scripts", "SHEET_MGR", "Keys", "JS Keybinds"], "Matchmaking fake duck", "Fake duck");

function cm() {
// Get buttons.
var buttons = UserCMD.GetButtons();

// Enable fast duck.
UserCMD.SetButtons(buttons | (1 << 22))

var chokedcommands;

// Keybinds.
const fakeduck = UI.GetValue(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR", "Scripts", "SHEET_MGR", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Fake duck"])
const mmfakeduck = UI.GetValue(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR", "Scripts", "SHEET_MGR", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Matchmaking fake duck"])

// HvH choke amount.
if ( fakeduck ) {
UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Fake Lag", "General", "Limit"], 14)
chokedcommands = Globals.ChokedCommands() <= 7;

// Matchmaking choke amount.
if ( mmfakeduck ) {
UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Fake Lag", "General", "Limit"], 8)
chokedcommands = Globals.ChokedCommands() <= 3;

// Are we holding the fake duck key?
if ( fakeduck || mmfakeduck) {
// Make sure we're lagging.
UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Fake Lag", "General", "Enabled"], 1)

// Are we on the ground?
if (!Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_hGroundEntity")) {
// We shouldn't duck just yet... Let's stand up instead!
if (chokedcommands) {
UserCMD.SetButtons(buttons &= ~(1 << 2));

// Duck if we're choking more than the required ticks.
else {
UserCMD.SetButtons(buttons |= (1 << 2));
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "cm")
  • 502
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Она лежит на форуме вт (noad)
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