Это не работаетdraw.RoundedBox
Draws a rounded rectangle. This function actually draws rectangles with 'gui/cornerX' textures applied to it's rounded corners. It means that this function will fail (or will be drawn not as expected) with any vertex operations, such as model matrices like cam. Start3D2D (corners would be...wiki.facepunch.com
Draws a rounded rectangle. This function also lets you specify which corners are drawn rounded. This function actually draws rectangles with 'gui/cornerX' textures applied to it's rounded corners. It means that this function will fail (or will be drawn not as expected) with any vertex...wiki.facepunch.com
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это не может не работать ты либо не правильно сделал или ты не правильно сделалЭто не работает
Руки прямые нужно иметь, а ещё нужен мозгЭто не работает
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