Вопрос Проблема с Gprotect

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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Приветствую снова. Gprotect выдает такую ошибку, не понимаю что с ним стало.

[[protect] gprotect] addons/[protect] gprotect/lua/g_protect/sh_gprotect.lua:38: attempt to index a nil value
  1. GetLang - addons/[protect] gprotect/lua/g_protect/sh_gprotect.lua:38
   2. func - addons/[protect] gprotect/lua/g_protect/client/cl_gprotect.lua:674
    3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:241 (x126)

Сам код в котором возникает ошибка:
сам код:
gProtect = gProtect or {}

local sidlink = {}

gProtect.GetOwner = function(ent)
    if !IsValid(ent) then return end
    local result = ent:GetNWString("gPOwner", "")
    local foundply = player.GetBySteamID( result )
    foundply = !isstring(foundply) and (IsValid(foundply) and foundply:IsPlayer() and foundply) or foundply

    return (foundply and foundply) or nil

gProtect.HasPermission = function(ply)
    local usergroup = ply:GetUserGroup()

    return gProtect.config.ConfigPermission[usergroup] and gProtect.config.ConfigPermission[usergroup] or CAMI and isfunction(CAMI.PlayerHasAccess) and CAMI.PlayerHasAccess(ply, "gProtect_Settings", function() return false end) or false

gProtect.GetLang = function(translation, module, var1, var2, var3)
    local response

    if module then
        if var1 then
            response = gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1]
            if !response then response = gProtect.language[module]["eng"][var1] end
            if var2 then
                response = gProtect.language[module] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1][var2]
                if !response then response = gProtect.language[module]["eng"][var1][var2] end
                if var3 then
                    response = gProtect.language[module] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1][var2] and gProtect.language[module] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1][var2][var3]
                    if !response then response = gProtect.language[module]["eng"][var1][var2][var3] end
        response = gProtect.language[gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][translation]
        if !response then response = gProtect.language["eng"][translation] end

    return response

gProtect.HandlePermissions = function(ply, ent, permission)
    if (!IsValid(ent) and !ent:IsWorld()) or ent:IsPlayer() or !IsValid(ply) or !ply:IsPlayer() then return false end

    local owner = gProtect.GetOwner(ent)
    local weapon = permission and permission or IsValid(ply:GetActiveWeapon()) and ply:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() or "weapon_physgun"
    local ownsid = isstring(owner) and owner or IsValid(owner) and owner:SteamID() or ""

    if (ply == owner) or (gProtect.TouchPermission and gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid] and gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid][weapon] and !isnumber(gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid][weapon]) and gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid][weapon][ply:SteamID()]) then
        return true
    if owner == "World" and gProtect.TouchPermission and gProtect.TouchPermission[owner] then
        local touchtbl = gProtect.TouchPermission[owner][weapon]
        if !touchtbl then return false end
        if touchtbl["*"] or touchtbl[ply:GetUserGroup()] then return true end
    if ent:IsWorld() then return nil end

    return false, true

hook.Add( "PhysgunPickup", "gP:PhysgunPickupLogic", function( ply, ent, norun )
    if TCF and TCF.Config and ent:GetClass() == "cocaine_cooking_pot" and IsValid( ent:GetParent() ) then return nil end --- Compatibilty with the cocaine factory.

    if ent:IsPlayer() then return nil end

    if SERVER then
        local servercheck = gProtect.HandlePhysgunPermission(ply, ent)
        if isbool(servercheck) then return servercheck end
    return gProtect.HandlePermissions(ply, ent, "weapon_physgun")
end )

if CAMI and isfunction(CAMI.RegisterPrivilege) then CAMI.RegisterPrivilege({Name = "gProtect_Settings", hasAccess = false, callback = function() end}) CAMI.RegisterPrivilege({Name = "gProtect_StaffNotifications", MinAccess = "admin", hasAccess = false, callback = function() end}) end
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Приветствую снова. Gprotect выдает такую ошибку, не понимаю что с ним стало.

[[protect] gprotect] addons/[protect] gprotect/lua/g_protect/sh_gprotect.lua:38: attempt to index a nil value
  1. GetLang - addons/[protect] gprotect/lua/g_protect/sh_gprotect.lua:38
   2. func - addons/[protect] gprotect/lua/g_protect/client/cl_gprotect.lua:674
    3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:241 (x126)

Сам код в котором возникает ошибка:
сам код:
gProtect = gProtect or {}

local sidlink = {}

gProtect.GetOwner = function(ent)
    if !IsValid(ent) then return end
    local result = ent:GetNWString("gPOwner", "")
    local foundply = player.GetBySteamID( result )
    foundply = !isstring(foundply) and (IsValid(foundply) and foundply:IsPlayer() and foundply) or foundply

    return (foundply and foundply) or nil

gProtect.HasPermission = function(ply)
    local usergroup = ply:GetUserGroup()

    return gProtect.config.ConfigPermission[usergroup] and gProtect.config.ConfigPermission[usergroup] or CAMI and isfunction(CAMI.PlayerHasAccess) and CAMI.PlayerHasAccess(ply, "gProtect_Settings", function() return false end) or false

gProtect.GetLang = function(translation, module, var1, var2, var3)
    local response

    if module then
        if var1 then
            response = gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1]
            if !response then response = gProtect.language[module]["eng"][var1] end
            if var2 then
                response = gProtect.language[module] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1][var2]
                if !response then response = gProtect.language[module]["eng"][var1][var2] end
                if var3 then
                    response = gProtect.language[module] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1][var2] and gProtect.language[module] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1] and gProtect.language[module][gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][var1][var2][var3]
                    if !response then response = gProtect.language[module]["eng"][var1][var2][var3] end
        response = gProtect.language[gProtect.config.SelectedLanguage][translation]
        if !response then response = gProtect.language["eng"][translation] end

    return response

gProtect.HandlePermissions = function(ply, ent, permission)
    if (!IsValid(ent) and !ent:IsWorld()) or ent:IsPlayer() or !IsValid(ply) or !ply:IsPlayer() then return false end

    local owner = gProtect.GetOwner(ent)
    local weapon = permission and permission or IsValid(ply:GetActiveWeapon()) and ply:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() or "weapon_physgun"
    local ownsid = isstring(owner) and owner or IsValid(owner) and owner:SteamID() or ""

    if (ply == owner) or (gProtect.TouchPermission and gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid] and gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid][weapon] and !isnumber(gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid][weapon]) and gProtect.TouchPermission[ownsid][weapon][ply:SteamID()]) then
        return true
    if owner == "World" and gProtect.TouchPermission and gProtect.TouchPermission[owner] then
        local touchtbl = gProtect.TouchPermission[owner][weapon]
        if !touchtbl then return false end
        if touchtbl["*"] or touchtbl[ply:GetUserGroup()] then return true end
    if ent:IsWorld() then return nil end

    return false, true

hook.Add( "PhysgunPickup", "gP:PhysgunPickupLogic", function( ply, ent, norun )
    if TCF and TCF.Config and ent:GetClass() == "cocaine_cooking_pot" and IsValid( ent:GetParent() ) then return nil end --- Compatibilty with the cocaine factory.

    if ent:IsPlayer() then return nil end

    if SERVER then
        local servercheck = gProtect.HandlePhysgunPermission(ply, ent)
        if isbool(servercheck) then return servercheck end
    return gProtect.HandlePermissions(ply, ent, "weapon_physgun")
end )

if CAMI and isfunction(CAMI.RegisterPrivilege) then CAMI.RegisterPrivilege({Name = "gProtect_Settings", hasAccess = false, callback = function() end}) CAMI.RegisterPrivilege({Name = "gProtect_StaffNotifications", MinAccess = "admin", hasAccess = false, callback = function() end}) end

боюсь, что ты мог что-то поломать в language. Ты там изменял что-либо там?
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В конфиге стоит неверный язык (либо его не существует, либо указан не верный, либо луа файл с переводом, который выбранный в кфг , имеет ошибки (например где-то упущен кусок кода))
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