LUA [pandora]animbreaker in air

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ну что уж, ребятки, те кто остались ещё здесь и играют с пандорой, мечтают получить сломаную анимацию аиров как в ските(ходит по воздуху вбок или прямо) возрадуйтесь, моя нога дошла до это форума

    typedef void*(__thiscall* get_client_entity_t)(void*, int);
    typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);

    typedef struct
        float x;
        float y;
        float z;
    } Vector_t;

    typedef struct
        char    pad0[0x60]; // 0x00
        void* pEntity; // 0x60
        void* pActiveWeapon; // 0x64
        void* pLastActiveWeapon; // 0x68
        float        flLastUpdateTime; // 0x6C
        int            iLastUpdateFrame; // 0x70
        float        flLastUpdateIncrement; // 0x74
        float        flEyeYaw; // 0x78
        float        flEyePitch; // 0x7C
        float        flGoalFeetYaw; // 0x80
        float        flLastFeetYaw; // 0x84
        float        flMoveYaw; // 0x88
        float        flLastMoveYaw; // 0x8C // changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground
        float        flLeanAmount; // 0x90
        char    pad1[0x4]; // 0x94
        float        flFeetCycle; // 0x98 0 to 1
        float        flMoveWeight; // 0x9C 0 to 1
        float        flMoveWeightSmoothed; // 0xA0
        float        flDuckAmount; // 0xA4
        float        flHitGroundCycle; // 0xA8
        float        flRecrouchWeight; // 0xAC
        Vector_t        vecOrigin; // 0xB0
        Vector_t        vecLastOrigin;// 0xBC
        Vector_t        vecVelocity; // 0xC8
        Vector_t        vecVelocityNormalized; // 0xD4
        Vector_t        vecVelocityNormalizedNonZero; // 0xE0
        float        flVelocityLenght2D; // 0xEC
        float        flJumpFallVelocity; // 0xF0
        float        flSpeedNormalized; // 0xF4 // clamped velocity from 0 to 1
        float        flRunningSpeed; // 0xF8
        float        flDuckingSpeed; // 0xFC
        float        flDurationMoving; // 0x100
        float        flDurationStill; // 0x104
        bool        bOnGround; // 0x108
        bool        bHitGroundAnimation; // 0x109
        char    pad2[0x2]; // 0x10A
        float        flNextLowerBodyYawUpdateTime; // 0x10C
        float        flDurationInAir; // 0x110
        float        flLeftGroundHeight; // 0x114
        float        flHitGroundWeight; // 0x118 // from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing
        float        flWalkToRunTransition; // 0x11C // from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running
        char    pad3[0x4]; // 0x120
        float        flAffectedFraction; // 0x124 // affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1
        char    pad4[0x208]; // 0x128
        float        flMinBodyYaw; // 0x330
        float        flMaxBodyYaw; // 0x334
        float        flMinPitch; //0x338
        float        flMaxPitch; // 0x33C
        int            iAnimsetVersion; // 0x340
    } CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t;

local menu = {
    misc = {
        animation_breaker = ui.add_dropdown("anim.breaker", {"forward legs", "backward legs", "forward run animation", "no animations", "crab", "forward run in air", "crab in air"}),
        breakarm = ui.add_checkbox("break animation arm"),
        staticair = ui.add_checkbox("static legs in air"),
        ducari = ui.add_checkbox("Ducari in Gym")

local entity_list_ptr = ffi.cast("void***", client.create_interface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003"))
local get_client_entity_fn = ffi.cast("GetClientEntity_4242425_t", entity_list_ptr[0][3])
local  get_entity_address = function(ent_index)
        local addr = get_client_entity_fn(entity_list_ptr, ent_index)
        return addr
local localplayer = entity_list.get_client_entity(engine.get_local_player())

callbacks.register("post_anim_update", function(e)
local J = entity_list.get_client_entity( engine.get_local_player( ))
if menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 0 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(2)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(0, 0.5) --forward legs
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 1 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(2)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(0, 1) --backward legs
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 2 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0) --forward run animation
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 3 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(8, 0) --no animations
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(9, 0) --no animations
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(10, 0) --no animations
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 4 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0.8) --crab
elseif J and client.is_alive and menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 5 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0) --forward run animation
    ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", get_entity_address(J:index()) + 0x9960)[0].flAffectedFraction = 1 --anim in air
elseif J and client.is_alive and menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 6 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0.8) --crab
    ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", get_entity_address(J:index()) + 0x9960)[0].flAffectedFraction = 1 --anim in air

if menu.misc.ducari:get() then
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flModelScale"):set_float_index(0, 0.5) --ModelScale
 e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flModelScale"):set_float_index(0, 1)

if menu.misc.breakarm:get() then
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(14, 1) --break arm
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(15, 1) --break arm

if menu.misc.staticair:get() then
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(6, 1) --static legs in air
Последнее редактирование:
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
ну что уж, ребятки, те кто остались ещё здесь и играют с пандорой, мечтают получить сломаную анимацию аиров как в ските(ходит по воздуху вбок или прямо) возрадуйтесь, моя нога дошла до это форума

    typedef void*(__thiscall* get_client_entity_t)(void*, int);
    typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);

    typedef struct
        float x;
        float y;
        float z;
    } Vector_t;

    typedef struct
        char    pad0[0x60]; // 0x00
        void* pEntity; // 0x60
        void* pActiveWeapon; // 0x64
        void* pLastActiveWeapon; // 0x68
        float        flLastUpdateTime; // 0x6C
        int            iLastUpdateFrame; // 0x70
        float        flLastUpdateIncrement; // 0x74
        float        flEyeYaw; // 0x78
        float        flEyePitch; // 0x7C
        float        flGoalFeetYaw; // 0x80
        float        flLastFeetYaw; // 0x84
        float        flMoveYaw; // 0x88
        float        flLastMoveYaw; // 0x8C // changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground
        float        flLeanAmount; // 0x90
        char    pad1[0x4]; // 0x94
        float        flFeetCycle; // 0x98 0 to 1
        float        flMoveWeight; // 0x9C 0 to 1
        float        flMoveWeightSmoothed; // 0xA0
        float        flDuckAmount; // 0xA4
        float        flHitGroundCycle; // 0xA8
        float        flRecrouchWeight; // 0xAC
        Vector_t        vecOrigin; // 0xB0
        Vector_t        vecLastOrigin;// 0xBC
        Vector_t        vecVelocity; // 0xC8
        Vector_t        vecVelocityNormalized; // 0xD4
        Vector_t        vecVelocityNormalizedNonZero; // 0xE0
        float        flVelocityLenght2D; // 0xEC
        float        flJumpFallVelocity; // 0xF0
        float        flSpeedNormalized; // 0xF4 // clamped velocity from 0 to 1
        float        flRunningSpeed; // 0xF8
        float        flDuckingSpeed; // 0xFC
        float        flDurationMoving; // 0x100
        float        flDurationStill; // 0x104
        bool        bOnGround; // 0x108
        bool        bHitGroundAnimation; // 0x109
        char    pad2[0x2]; // 0x10A
        float        flNextLowerBodyYawUpdateTime; // 0x10C
        float        flDurationInAir; // 0x110
        float        flLeftGroundHeight; // 0x114
        float        flHitGroundWeight; // 0x118 // from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing
        float        flWalkToRunTransition; // 0x11C // from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running
        char    pad3[0x4]; // 0x120
        float        flAffectedFraction; // 0x124 // affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1
        char    pad4[0x208]; // 0x128
        float        flMinBodyYaw; // 0x330
        float        flMaxBodyYaw; // 0x334
        float        flMinPitch; //0x338
        float        flMaxPitch; // 0x33C
        int            iAnimsetVersion; // 0x340
    } CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t;

local menu = {
    misc = {
        animation_breaker = ui.add_dropdown("anim.breaker", {"forward legs", "backward legs", "forward run animation", "no animations", "crab", "forward run in air", "crab in air"}),
        breakarm = ui.add_checkbox("break animation arm"),
        staticair = ui.add_checkbox("static legs in air"),
        ducari = ui.add_checkbox("Ducari in Gym")

local entity_list_ptr = ffi.cast("void***", client.create_interface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003"))
local get_client_entity_fn = ffi.cast("GetClientEntity_4242425_t", entity_list_ptr[0][3])
local  get_entity_address = function(ent_index)
        local addr = get_client_entity_fn(entity_list_ptr, ent_index)
        return addr
local localplayer = entity_list.get_client_entity(engine.get_local_player())

callbacks.register("post_anim_update", function(e)
local J = entity_list.get_client_entity( engine.get_local_player( ))
if menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 0 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(2)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(0, 0.5) --forward legs
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 1 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(2)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(0, 1) --backward legs
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 2 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0) --forward run animation
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 3 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(8, 0) --no animations
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(9, 0) --no animations
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(10, 0) --no animations
elseif menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 4 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0.8) --crab
elseif J and client.is_alive and menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 5 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0) --forward run animation
    ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", get_entity_address(J:index()) + 0x9960)[0].flAffectedFraction = 1 --anim in air
elseif J and client.is_alive and menu.misc.animation_breaker:get() == 6 then
    ui.get("Misc", "General", "Movement", "Leg movement"):set(1)
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(7, 0.8) --crab
    ffi.cast("CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t**", get_entity_address(J:index()) + 0x9960)[0].flAffectedFraction = 1 --anim in air

if menu.misc.ducari:get() then
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flModelScale"):set_float_index(0, 0.5) --ModelScale
 e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flModelScale"):set_float_index(0, 1)

if menu.misc.breakarm:get() then
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(14, 1) --break arm
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(15, 1) --break arm

if menu.misc.staticair:get() then
    e:get_prop("DT_BaseAnimating", "m_flPoseParameter"):set_float_index(6, 1) --static legs in air
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