Вопрос Как класть энтити в инвентарь?

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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
в item store есть конфиг чтобы класть определенные энтити в инвентарь, посмотри внимательно


там глянь внимательно
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Ебать я слепой, спасибо.

This is a whitelist for entities that should be allowed to pick up that DOES NOT have a template in configuration/items/
-- I can not be 100% certain that the entity will save and behave exactly as it should but it will try to find all the data it needs to save!
-- Please use this for generic things only, such as some weed seeds or something, not DarkRP money printers!!
-- If an item doesn't work you should either get your developer to make a template in configuration/items/ folder or create a support ticket!
-- Also please be aware that the way it saves data is inefficient the first time it saves that kind of entity after a restart.
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