Вопрос Помогите с БД

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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Можно ли сделать БД для обычного DarkRP не SUP?
Если да то где высрать для нее sql файлик
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RP_MySQLConfig = {} -- Ignore this line
Welcome to MySQL for DarkRP!
In this file you can find a manual for MySQL configuration and the MySQL config settings.

RP_MySQLConfig.EnableMySQL = true -- Set to true if you want to use an external MySQL database, false if you want to use the built in SQLite database (garrysmod/sv.db) of Garry's mod.
RP_MySQLConfig.Host = "localhost" -- This is the IP address of the MySQL host. Make sure the IP address is correct and in quotation marks (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Username = "root" -- This is the username to log in on the MySQL server.
-- contact the owner of the server about the username and password. Make sure it's in quotation marks! (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Password = "" -- This is the Password to log in on the MySQL server,
-- Everyone who has access to FTP on the server can read this password.
-- Make sure you know who to trust. Make sure it's in quotation marks (" ")
RP_MySQLConfig.Database_name = "drp" -- This is the name of the Database on the MySQL server. Contact the MySQL server host to find out what this is
RP_MySQLConfig.Database_port = 3306 -- This is the port of the MySQL server. Again, contact the MySQL server host if you don't know this.
RP_MySQLConfig.Preferred_module = "mysqloo" -- Preferred module, case sensitive, must be either "mysqloo" or "tmysql4". Only applies when both are installed.
Download andyvincent's/Drakehawke's gm_MySQL OO module and read the guide here:

- There are always errors on the server, try if you can see those (with HLDS)
- the same errors are also in the logs if you can't find the errors on the server.
the logs are at garrysmod/data/DarkRP_logs/ on the SERVER!
The MySQL lines in the log always precede with "MySQL Error:" (without the quotation marks)
- make sure the settings in this file (_MySQL.lua) are correct
- make sure the MySQL server is accessible from the outside world
ну так а чему ты удивляешься если ты данные бд не все указал?
Где пароль? ты запускаешь я так понял на локалке как сам сервер так и бд? Если да то какая прога для бд?
  • 24
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
ну так а чему ты удивляешься если ты данные бд не все указал?
Где пароль? ты запускаешь я так понял на локалке как сам сервер так и бд? Если да то какая прога для бд?
Да на локалке прога wampserver
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