Вопрос помогите что делать, у меня поломался сервак

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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
вот ошибка:
[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:528: [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "addons/darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua" on line 30.
The best help I can give you is this:

A table is being indexed by something that does not exist (table index is nil).

- The thing between square brackets does not exist (is nil).

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. addons/darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua on line 30
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/fn.lua on line 84
3. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/fn.lua on line 84
4. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua on line 138
5. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua on line 149
6. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/init.lua on line 112
------- End of Simplerr error -------

1. error - [C]:-1
2. doInclude - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:528
3. loadCustomDarkRPItems - gamemodesCouldn't Load Init Script: 'darkrp/gamemode/init.lua'
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = {
[TEAM_POLICE] = true,
[TEAM_CHIEF] = true,
[TEAM_MAYOR] = true,

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