FACTION.name = "Полиция"
FACTION.description = "Сотрудники дежурной части Города"
FACTION.isDefault = false
FACTION.color = Color(20, 120, 185)
FACTION.pay = 10 -- How much money every member of the faction gets paid at regular intervals.
FACTION.weapons = {"ix_stunstick"} -- Weapons that every member of the faction should start with.
FACTION.isGloballyRecognized = false -- Makes it so that everyone knows the name of the characters in this faction.
FACTION.runSounds = {[0] = "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepLeft", [1] = "NPC_MetroPolice.RunFootstepRight"}
-- Note that FACTION.models is optional. If it is not defined, it will use all the standard HL2 citizen models.
FACTION.models = {