Вопрос Скрипт смерти мэра

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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Салам, кто-то может дать скрипт чтоб когда Мэр умирал он становился гражданином
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
в jobs.lua добавить к профе мэра

PlayerDeath = function(ply)
          -- It will check the team, and find out that yes, he is the mayor
                if ply:Team() == TEAM_MAYOR then
                  -- So, if he really is the mayor, and he dies, then change back to team citizen
                        ply:changeTeam( TEAM_CITIZEN, true )
                        for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
                          -- This tell DarkRP to notify the entire server that yes, the mayor has been killed
                                DarkRP.notify(v, 1, 4, "The mayor has been killed!")

чтобы получилось так

TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob("Mayor", {
        color = Color(150, 20, 20, 255),
        model = "models/player/breen.mdl",
        description = [[The Mayor of the city creates laws to govern the city.
        If you are the mayor you may create and accept warrants.
        Type /wanted <name>  to warrant a player.
        Type /jailpos to set the Jail Position.
        Type /lockdown initiate a lockdown of the city.
        Everyone must be inside during a lockdown.
        The cops patrol the area.
        /unlockdown to end a lockdown]],
        weapons = {},
        command = "mayor",
        max = 1,
        salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.89,
        admin = 0,
        vote = true,
        hasLicense = false,
        mayor = true,
        -- This tells it that when he dies
        PlayerDeath = function(ply)
          -- It will check the team, and find out that yes, he is the mayor
                if ply:Team() == TEAM_MAYOR then
                  -- So, if he really is the mayor, and he dies, then change back to team citizen
                        ply:changeTeam( TEAM_CITIZEN, true )
                        for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
                          -- This tell DarkRP to notify the entire server that yes, the mayor has been killed
                                DarkRP.notify(v, 1, 4, "The mayor has been killed!")
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PlayerDeath = function(ply) -- It will check the team, and find out that yes, he is the mayor if ply:Team() == TEAM_MAYOR then -- So, if he really is the mayor, and he dies, then change back to team citizen ply:changeTeam( TEAM_CITIZEN, true ) for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do -- This tell DarkRP to notify the entire server that yes, the mayor has been killed DarkRP.notify(v, 1, 4, "The mayor has been killed!") end end end,
Фаршмак гпт вотафаг?!
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