Вопрос как можно исправить

  • 33
  • 1
Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Как можно исправить это(проходит сквозь карту) причем у других не прописаных профессий не проходит

nameplates = {}

surface.CreateFont( "nameplates", {
    font = "Roboto",
    size = 17,
    weight = 500,
    antialias = true,
    extended = true
} )

function nameplates.CalculateDecayInterpolation(percentPerTime)
    local frameTime = RealFrameTime() * game.GetTimeScale()
    local frac = math.pow(1 - percentPerTime, frameTime)

    return 1 - frac

function ShitDrawTexture( mat, x, y, w, h, color )
    surface.SetDrawColor( color or Color( 255, 255, 255 ) )
    surface.SetMaterial( mat )
    surface.DrawTexturedRect( x, y, w, h )

function nameplates.DrawNameplate(options)
    if not options then return end

    local ent = options.ent
    local position = options.position
    local angle = options.angle
    local maxDistance = options.maxDistance
    local aimThreshold = options.aimThreshold
    local ignoreZ = options.ignoreZ
    local lookCenter = options.lookCenter
    local func = options.func
    local uiScale = options.uiScale or 0.1

    local lp = LocalPlayer()
    if not IsValid(lp) then return end

    local lpEye = lp:EyePos()
    local eyeAng = EyeAngles()

    local tr = lp:GetEyeTrace()

    if not lookCenter then lookCenter = position end

    local dot = lp:GetAimVector():Dot((lookCenter - lpEye):GetNormalized())
    local dotThreshold = math.cos(aimThreshold or (math.pi / 10))

    local bounds = ent:OBBMaxs() - ent:OBBMins()
    local radius = bounds:Length() / 2
    local dist = lpEye:Distance(position)

    if dist < radius * 3 then
        local f = math.Clamp((dist - radius) / (radius * 2), 0, 1)
        dotThreshold = Lerp(f, 0, dotThreshold)

    local flags = dot >= dotThreshold and (not maxDistance or dist <= maxDistance)

    if ignoreZ and options.trace then
        local traceStart = options.traceStart
        if not traceStart then
            traceStart = ent:LocalToWorld(ent:OBBCenter())

            if ent:IsPlayer() then
                traceStart = ent:GetShootPos()

        local tr = util.TraceLine({
            start = traceStart,
            endpos = lpEye,
            filter = options.traceFilter or { lp, ent }

        flags = flags and not tr.Hit

    if flags then
        ent.UISize = Lerp(nameplates.CalculateDecayInterpolation(0.975), ent.UISize or 0, (dot - dotThreshold) / (1 - dotThreshold))
        ent.UISize = math.Clamp(Lerp(nameplates.CalculateDecayInterpolation(0.975), ent.UISize or 0, -0.1), 0, 1)

    local uiSize = ent.UISize or 0
    if uiSize <= 0 then return end

    if not angle then angle = (position - lpEye):Angle() end

    local rotatedAngle = Angle(0, angle.y - 90, 90)
    local pitch = math.NormalizeAngle(angle.p)
    rotatedAngle:RotateAroundAxis(rotatedAngle:Forward(), math.Clamp(-pitch / 2, -25, 25))

    local camScale = uiScale * uiSize
    local camOffset = Vector(0, 0, 5 * uiSize)

    if options.offset then
        camOffset = camOffset + rotatedAngle:Up() * options.offset.x
        camOffset = camOffset + rotatedAngle:Forward() * options.offset.y
        camOffset = camOffset + rotatedAngle:Right() * -options.offset.z

    if ignoreZ then cam.IgnoreZ(true) end

    cam.Start3D2D(position + camOffset, rotatedAngle, camScale)

    if ignoreZ then cam.IgnoreZ(false) end

local voices = {}
local font = "Default"
local icons = {}

surface.CreateFont("MetaHub_HudBig", {
    font = "Roboto",
    size = 50,
    weight = 1000,
    antialias = true,
    extended = true

surface.CreateFont("MetaHub_HudMedium", {
    font = "Roboto",
    size = 23,
    weight = 400,
    antialias = true,
    extended = true

local voices = {}
local fonts = {}
fonts.big = "MetaHub_HudBig"
fonts.medium = "MetaHub_HudMedium"
local icons = {}
icons.crosshairs = {}
icons.crosshairs[1] = Material("vgui/visor/asset.png","noclamp smooth") -- Стандарт
icons.crosshairs[2] = Material("vgui/visor/green.png","noclamp smooth") -- Тиммейт
icons.crosshairs[3] = Material("vgui/visor/deviant.png","noclamp smooth") -- В розыске
icons.crosshairs[4] = Material("vgui/visor/blue.png","noclamp smooth") -- Синий
icons.crosshairs[5] = Material("vgui/visor/target-priority.png","noclamp smooth") -- Приоритет / Цель #1
icons.crosshairs[6] = Material("vgui/visor/target.png","noclamp smooth") -- АК
icons.scan = Material("vgui/visor/scan.png","noclamp smooth")
icons.white = Material("vgui/visor/white.jpg","noclamp smooth")

local function DrawTOutlinedRect(x,y,w,h,texture,outline,color,coloro)
    texture = texture or icons.scan
    color = color or Color(255,255,255)
    coloro = coloro or Color(0,0,0,255)
    surface.DrawTexturedRect( x-2, y, w+4, h )

    if outline == true then

local function DrawRotated(x,y,w,h,texture,color,rot)
    texture = texture or icons.scan
    color = color or Color(255,255,255)
    surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( x-2, y, w+4, h, rot )

local function GetTTextSize(text,font)
    font = font or "Default"
    local w,h = surface.GetTextSize(text or "")
        return w,h
local function DrawTOutlinedText(x,y,text,font,color,back,texture,coloro)
    texture = texture or icons.white
    local w,h = surface.GetTextSize(text or "")
    if back == true then
        surface.SetDrawColor(coloro or Color(0,0,0,255))
        surface.DrawTexturedRect( x-2, y, w+4, h )
    draw.SimpleText( text, font, x, y, color, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT )

    return w,h

icons.crosshairs[1] = Material("vgui/visor/asset.png","noclamp smooth") -- Стандарт
icons.crosshairs[2] = Material("vgui/visor/green.png","noclamp smooth") -- Тиммейт
icons.crosshairs[3] = Material("vgui/visor/deviant.png","noclamp smooth") -- В розыске
icons.crosshairs[4] = Material("vgui/visor/blue.png","noclamp smooth") -- Синий
icons.crosshairs[5] = Material("vgui/visor/target-priority.png","noclamp smooth") -- Приоритет / Цель #1
icons.crosshairs[6] = Material("vgui/visor/target.png","noclamp smooth") -- АК

function nameplates.DrawVisor(ply, pos)
    local lp = LocalPlayer()
    local name, id = ply:Name(), ply:GetID()
    local job = lp:getDarkRPVar("job")
    --local text,status,must = ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Title'), ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Status'), ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Sovet')
    --local main, icon = ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Color'), ply:GetNetVar('Visor::ID')
    local w,h = GetTTextSize(text, fonts.big)
    local presentAngle = (CurTime() * 90) % 360
    local mat = icons.crosshairs[icon]
        ent = ply,
        position = pos,
        angle = lp:GetAngles(),
        maxDistance = 256,
        lookCenter = ply:LocalToWorld(ply:OBBCenter() + Vector(0, 0, 10)),
        aimThreshold = math.pi / 6,
        func = function(uiSize)
            --local team = ply:GetNetVar('DisguiseTeam') != nil and ply:GetNetVar('DisguiseTeam') or ply:Team()
            --local tTeable = rp.teams[team]
            local iscp = ply:isMP() --ply:IsDisguised() and tTeable.cp
            if iscp then
                DrawRotated(0, 0, 128, 128, icons.crosshairs[2], nil, presentAngle)
                 DrawRotated(0, 0, 128, 128, mat, nil, presentAngle)
             local xbase,ybase = 70,-32
            local stndx,stndy = xbase,ybase
            DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, 256, 128, icons.scan, true, Color(255,255,255), Color(0,0,0,100))
            -- DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, 256, 128, icons.scan, false, Color(0,0,0,150))
            ybase = ybase-h+2
            DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, w, h, icons.scan, false, Color(0,0,0,150))
            if iscp then
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "//", fonts.big, Color(255,255,255, 100), true, icons.scan, Color(0,0,0,255))
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "    ЮНИТ", fonts.big, Color(52,225,32, 210), true, icons.scan, Color(0,0,0,255))
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, text, fonts.big, main, true, icons.scan, Color(0,0,0,255))
            ----------- Inside Box stuff ---------
            xbase,ybase = stndx,stndy
            xbase = xbase + 2
            ybase = ybase + 2
            DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, 252, 80.5, nil, false, Color(255,255,255,10))
            w,h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase,"ИМЯ: ", fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200), false)
            DrawTOutlinedText(xbase+w, ybase, name, fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200), true, icons.scan, Color(0,0,0,255))
            ybase = ybase+h+2
            w,h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase,"CID: ", fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200), false)
            DrawTOutlinedText(xbase+w, ybase, "#"..ply:GetID(), fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200))
            ybase = ybase+h+2
            w,h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase,"СТАТУС: ", fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200), false)
            if iscp then
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase+w, ybase, 'СОТРУДНИК ГО', fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200))
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase+w, ybase, status, fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200))
            xbase = stndx+2
            ybase = ybase + h*2
            w,h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase,"СОВЕТ: ", fonts.medium, Color(200,200,200), false)
            if iscp then
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase+w, ybase, 'ЗАЩИЩАТЬ', fonts.medium, Color(52,225,32), true, icons.scan, main)
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase+w, ybase, must, fonts.medium, ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Color'), true, icons.scan, main)

local function OTAVisor( ply )
    if ply == LocalPlayer() then return end
    if ply:GetNoDraw() then return end
    if not LocalPlayer():isOTA() then return end

    local pos = ply:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,64)
    local bone = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")

    if bone == nil then
        bone = 0
        pos = ply:GetBonePosition(bone)
    nameplates.DrawVisor(ply, pos - Vector(0,0,4)-LocalPlayer():GetForward()*7 or ply:EyePos())
hook.Add( "PostPlayerDraw", "MetaHub::OTA::Visor", OTAVisor)

hook.Remove("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "RenderColorModify")
  • 4
  • 0
Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Если я все правильно понял то вот

nameplates = {}

surface.CreateFont("nameplates", {
    font = "Roboto",
    size = 17,
    weight = 500,
    antialias = true,
    extended = true

function nameplates.CalculateDecayInterpolation(percentPerTime)
    local frameTime = RealFrameTime() * game.GetTimeScale()
    local frac = math.pow(1 - percentPerTime, frameTime)

    return 1 - frac

function ShitDrawTexture(mat, x, y, w, h, color)
    surface.SetDrawColor(color or Color(255, 255, 255))
    surface.DrawTexturedRect(x, y, w, h)

function nameplates.DrawNameplate(options)
    if not options then return end

    local ent = options.ent
    local position = options.position
    local angle = options.angle
    local maxDistance = options.maxDistance
    local aimThreshold = options.aimThreshold
    local ignoreZ = options.ignoreZ
    local lookCenter = options.lookCenter
    local func = options.func
    local uiScale = options.uiScale or 0.1

    local lp = LocalPlayer()
    if not IsValid(lp) then return end

    local lpEye = lp:EyePos()
    local eyeAng = EyeAngles()

    local tr = lp:GetEyeTrace()

    if not lookCenter then lookCenter = position end

    local dot = lp:GetAimVector():Dot((lookCenter - lpEye):GetNormalized())
    local dotThreshold = math.cos(aimThreshold or (math.pi / 10))

    local bounds = ent:OBBMaxs() - ent:OBBMins()
    local radius = bounds:Length() / 2
    local dist = lpEye:Distance(position)

    if dist < radius * 3 then
        local f = math.Clamp((dist - radius) / (radius * 2), 0, 1)
        dotThreshold = Lerp(f, 0, dotThreshold)

    local flags = dot >= dotThreshold and (not maxDistance or dist <= maxDistance)

    -- Проверка на пересечение с препятствиями карты
    if options.trace then
        local traceStart = options.traceStart
        if not traceStart then
            traceStart = ent:LocalToWorld(ent:OBBCenter())

            if ent:IsPlayer() then
                traceStart = ent:GetShootPos()

        local trace = util.TraceLine({
            start = lp:EyePos(),
            endpos = traceStart,
            filter = options.traceFilter or { lp, ent },
            mask = MASK_SHOT -- Используем MASK_SHOT для корректной проверки видимости

        -- Если трассировка выявила препятствие, элемент не отображаем
        flags = flags and not trace.Hit

    if flags then
        ent.UISize = Lerp(nameplates.CalculateDecayInterpolation(0.975), ent.UISize or 0, (dot - dotThreshold) / (1 - dotThreshold))
        ent.UISize = math.Clamp(Lerp(nameplates.CalculateDecayInterpolation(0.975), ent.UISize or 0, -0.1), 0, 1)

    local uiSize = ent.UISize or 0
    if uiSize <= 0 then return end

    if not angle then angle = (position - lpEye):Angle() end

    local rotatedAngle = Angle(0, angle.y - 90, 90)
    local pitch = math.NormalizeAngle(angle.p)
    rotatedAngle:RotateAroundAxis(rotatedAngle:Forward(), math.Clamp(-pitch / 2, -25, 25))

    local camScale = uiScale * uiSize
    local camOffset = Vector(0, 0, 5 * uiSize)

    if options.offset then
        camOffset = camOffset + rotatedAngle:Up() * options.offset.x
        camOffset = camOffset + rotatedAngle:Forward() * options.offset.y
        camOffset = camOffset + rotatedAngle:Right() * -options.offset.z

    if ignoreZ then cam.IgnoreZ(true) end

    cam.Start3D2D(position + camOffset, rotatedAngle, camScale)

    if ignoreZ then cam.IgnoreZ(false) end

local voices = {}
local font = "Default"
local icons = {}

surface.CreateFont("MetaHub_HudBig", {
    font = "Roboto",
    size = 50,
    weight = 1000,
    antialias = true,
    extended = true

surface.CreateFont("MetaHub_HudMedium", {
    font = "Roboto",
    size = 23,
    weight = 400,
    antialias = true,
    extended = true

local voices = {}
local fonts = {}
fonts.big = "MetaHub_HudBig"
fonts.medium = "MetaHub_HudMedium"
local icons = {}
icons.crosshairs = {}
icons.crosshairs[1] = Material("vgui/visor/asset.png", "noclamp smooth") -- Стандарт
icons.crosshairs[2] = Material("vgui/visor/green.png", "noclamp smooth") -- Тиммейт
icons.crosshairs[3] = Material("vgui/visor/deviant.png", "noclamp smooth") -- В розыске
icons.crosshairs[4] = Material("vgui/visor/blue.png", "noclamp smooth") -- Синий
icons.crosshairs[5] = Material("vgui/visor/target-priority.png", "noclamp smooth") -- Приоритет / Цель #1
icons.crosshairs[6] = Material("vgui/visor/target.png", "noclamp smooth") -- АК
icons.scan = Material("vgui/visor/scan.png", "noclamp smooth")
icons.white = Material("vgui/visor/white.jpg", "noclamp smooth")

local function DrawTOutlinedRect(x, y, w, h, texture, outline, color, coloro)
    texture = texture or icons.scan
    color = color or Color(255, 255, 255)
    coloro = coloro or Color(0, 0, 0, 255)
    surface.DrawTexturedRect(x - 2, y, w + 4, h)

    if outline == true then
        surface.DrawOutlinedRect(x - 2, y, w + 4, h)

local function DrawRotated(x, y, w, h, texture, color, rot)
    texture = texture or icons.scan
    color = color or Color(255, 255, 255)
    surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated(x - 2, y, w + 4, h, rot)

local function GetTTextSize(text, font)
    font = font or "Default"
    local w, h = surface.GetTextSize(text or "")
    return w, h

local function DrawTOutlinedText(x, y, text, font, color, back, texture, coloro)
    texture = texture or icons.white
    local w, h = surface.GetTextSize(text or "")
    if back == true then
        surface.SetDrawColor(coloro or Color(0, 0, 0, 255))
        surface.DrawTexturedRect(x - 2, y, w + 4, h)
    draw.SimpleText(text, font, x, y, color, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT)

    return w, h

function nameplates.DrawVisor(ply, pos)
    local lp = LocalPlayer()
    local name, id = ply:Name(), ply:GetID()
    local job = lp:getDarkRPVar("job")
    --local text, status, must = ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Title'), ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Status'), ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Sovet')
    --local main, icon = ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Color'), ply:GetNetVar('Visor::ID')
    local w, h = GetTTextSize(text, fonts.big)
    local presentAngle = (CurTime() * 90) % 360
    local mat = icons.crosshairs[icon]
        ent = ply,
        position = pos,
        angle = lp:GetAngles(),
        maxDistance = 256,
        lookCenter = ply:LocalToWorld(ply:OBBCenter() + Vector(0, 0, 10)),
        aimThreshold = math.pi / 6,
        func = function(uiSize)
            --local team = ply:GetNetVar('DisguiseTeam') ~= nil and ply:GetNetVar('DisguiseTeam') or ply:Team()
            --local tTeable = rp.teams[team]
            local iscp = ply:isMP() --ply:IsDisguised() and tTeable.cp
            if iscp then
                DrawRotated(0, 0, 128, 128, icons.crosshairs[2], nil, presentAngle)
                DrawRotated(0, 0, 128, 128, mat, nil, presentAngle)
            local xbase, ybase = 70, -32
            local stndx, stndy = xbase, ybase
            DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, 256, 128, icons.scan, true, Color(255, 255, 255), Color(0, 0, 0, 100))
            -- DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, 256, 128, icons.scan, false, Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
            ybase = ybase - h + 2
            DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, w, h, icons.scan, false, Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
            if iscp then
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "//", fonts.big, Color(255, 255, 255, 100), true, icons.scan, Color(0, 0, 0, 255))
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "    ЮНИТ", fonts.big, Color(52, 225, 32, 210), true, icons.scan, Color(0, 0, 0, 255))
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, text, fonts.big, main, true, icons.scan, Color(0, 0, 0, 255))
            ----------- Inside Box stuff ---------
            xbase, ybase = stndx, stndy
            xbase = xbase + 2
            ybase = ybase + 2
            DrawTOutlinedRect(xbase, ybase, 252, 80.5, nil, false, Color(255, 255, 255, 10))
            w, h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "ИМЯ: ", fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200), false)
            DrawTOutlinedText(xbase + w, ybase, name, fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200), true, icons.scan, Color(0, 0, 0, 255))
            ybase = ybase + h + 2
            w, h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "CID: ", fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200), false)
            DrawTOutlinedText(xbase + w, ybase, "#" .. ply:GetID(), fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200))
            ybase = ybase + h + 2
            w, h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "СТАТУС: ", fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200), false)
            if iscp then
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase + w, ybase, 'СОТРУДНИК ГО', fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200))
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase + w, ybase, status, fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200))
            xbase = stndx + 2
            ybase = ybase + h * 2
            w, h = DrawTOutlinedText(xbase, ybase, "СОВЕТ: ", fonts.medium, Color(200, 200, 200), false)
            if iscp then
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase + w, ybase, 'ЗАЩИЩАТЬ', fonts.medium, Color(52, 225, 32), true, icons.scan, main)
                DrawTOutlinedText(xbase + w, ybase, must, fonts.medium, ply:GetNetVar('Visor::Color'), true, icons.scan, main)

local function OTAVisor(ply)
    if ply == LocalPlayer() then return end
    if ply:GetNoDraw() then return end
    if not LocalPlayer():isOTA() then return end

    local pos = ply:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 64)
    local bone = ply:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")

    if bone == nil then
        bone = 0
        pos = ply:GetBonePosition(bone)
    nameplates.DrawVisor(ply, pos - Vector(0, 0, 4) - LocalPlayer():GetForward() * 7 or ply:EyePos())
hook.Add("PostPlayerDraw", "MetaHub::OTA::Visor", OTAVisor)

hook.Remove("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "RenderColorModify")
  • 33
  • 1
Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
а может это связано с моделями/анимациями что у меня на сервере?
Сверху Снизу