Ищу перевод плагина Trixter's Discord Integration

Не где не могу найти перевод для данного правила, вот изначальный код.

    There's no specific language support, but currently just ability to change all phrases.
Discord.Lang = {

        Start of Lang configuration


        Extra supported strings for ANY language string:
        <server_ip> -> Server's IP
        <join_url> -> steam://connect/<server_ip>
        <hostname> -> Server's Hostname
        <map> -> Server's Map
        <gamemode> -> Server's Gamemode

        Online Message
    ONLINE_MESSAGE_TITLE = 'Now Online!',
    ONLINE_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION = 'Join!: <join_url>!',

        Player Join/Leave Event

        Extra supported strings for PLAYER_JOIN and PLAYER_DISCONNECT:
        <steam_id> -> Player's steamid32
        <name> -> Player's name

        Only for PLAYER_DISCONNECT:
        <reason> -> Disconnect reason
    PLAYER_JOIN = 'Player <name> (<steam_id>) connected to the server!',
    PLAYER_DISCONNECT = 'Player <name> (<steam_id>) has left (<reason>)',

        Discord RPC
    CHECK_DISCORD = 'Check your discord instance.',
    RPC_ABORTED = 'Aborted.',
    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG = 'Whoops! Something went wrong, check console for more details.',
    DISCORD_NOT_FOUND = 'Discord instance not found installed on your computer. As alternative, you can authenticate through the website we\'ve prompted you.',

        Joining Discord
    JOINED_DISCORD = 'Thank you for joining our discord!',
    JOINED_DISCORD_ALREADY = 'Thank you for joining our discord! As this wasn\'t your first time joining, you won\'t be awarded.',

        Linking accounts

        Extra supported strings for ACCOUNT_LINKED:
        <tag> -> Discord tag (eg username#0001) of the linked account
    ACCOUNT_LINKED = 'Your account has been successfully linked! Linked with the account <tag>.',
    CONNECTIONS_NOT_FOUND = 'No linked steam accounts were found. You will be prompted with steam login to verify your account ownership.',

        Syncing rank

        Extra supported strings for SYNCED_RANK_DISCORD:
        <role> -> Discord role that was given

        Extra supported strings for NONEXISTANT_ROLE, NOT_CONFIGURED_FOR_USERGROUP:
        <usergroup> -> In-game rank
    SYNCED_RANK_DISCORD = 'Updated your role in Discord to <role>.',
    NONEXISTANT_ROLE = 'The configured role for the usergroup <usergroup> does not exist in Discord. Please tell this to owner of the server.',
    NOT_CONFIGURED_FOR_USERGROUP = 'The usergroup <usergroup> is not configured to have a role in Discord. Please tell this to the owner of the server.',
    NO_LINKED_ACCOUNTS = 'You don\'t have any linked accounts to sync with!',

        Ratelimit message

        Extra supported strings for RATELIMITED:
        <seconds> -> Duration in seconds until ratelimit expires
    RATELIMITED = 'You\'re being ratelimited. Please try again in <seconds> seconds.',

        Discord Messages

        Extra supported strings for NO_STEAM_CONNECTIONS:
        <linkchatcommand> -> Chat command in-game for linking your steam account

        Extra supported strings for SYNCED_USERGROUP_GMOD:
        <usergroup> -> The synced rank in-game
    INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 'Internal Server Error happened. Try again later.',
    NO_STEAM_CONNECTIONS = 'You don\'t have any linked steam accounts. Link your steam account by typing <linkchatcommand> in the game chat.',
    SYNCED_USERGROUP_GMOD = 'Updated your usergroup in-game to ``<usergroup>``.',

        Popup UI
    CENTER_TEXT = 'Would you like to join our Discord?',
    CENTER_BELOW_TEXT = 'You will be awarded with $5000',
    JOIN_BUTTON = 'Yes',
    LATER_BUTTON = 'No',

        Clientside Errors
    JOIN_REWARDS_NOT_CONFIGURED = 'Join Rewards is not configured properly on the server. Report to the server owner.',
    COULDNT_RETRIEVE_TOKEN_DATA = 'Couldn\'t retrieve token data from Discord. Try again later.',
    ACCESS_TOKEN_HAS_NO_REQUIRED_PERMS = 'Access token has no required permission.',
    COULDNT_RETRIEVE_USER_DATA = 'Couldn\'t retrieve user data from Discord. Try again later.',
    COULDNT_MAKE_YOU_JOIN = 'Couldn\'t make you join the discord. Try again later.',
    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG_CHECKING_PREVIOUS_JOIN_DATA = 'Something went wrong while trying to check for previous joins into the discord. Try again later.',
    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG_CONFIRMING_JOIN = 'Something went wrong while trying to confirm your joining into the discord. Try again later.',
    RANK_SYNC_NOT_CONFIGURED = 'Rank Sync is not configured properly on the server. Report to the server owner.',
    INTERNAL_ERROR_WHILE_LINKING_ACCOUNT = 'Internal error happened while trying to link your account, try again later.',

        Discord Commands

        Extra supported strings for SAID_AS_CONSOLE, RAN_IN_CONSOLE, RAN_CODE_ON_SERVER:
        <cmd> -> The provided argument to say/run

        Extra supported strings for KICKED_PLAYER, KICKED_PLAYER_WITH_REASON:
        <player> -> The name of the kicked player
        (ONLY FOR KICKED_PLAER_WITH_REASON) <reason> -> The kick reason

        Extra supported strings for FAILED_SCREENSHOTTING, SCREENSHOT_OF_PLAYER:
        <name> -> The name of the target for the screenshot
        (ONLY FOR FAILED_SCREENSHOTTING) <error> -> The reason why screenshotting failed
        (ONLY FOR SCREENSHOT_OF_PLAYER) <sid64> -> The steamid64 of the target of the screenshot
    COMMAND_EVENT = 'Command Event',
    COMMAND_ERROR = 'Command Error',
    NO_PERMISSIONS = 'You do not have the permission to run this command.',
    IP = 'IP',
    GAMEMODE = 'Gamemode',
    MAP = 'Map',
    PLAYERS = 'Players',
    STAFF_ONLINE = 'Staff Online',
    NO_ARGUMENT_PROVIDED = 'No argument provided.',
    PLAYER_COULDNT_BE_FOUND = 'Player couldn\'t be found.',
    SAID_AS_CONSOLE = 'Said ``<cmd>`` as console in chat.',
    RAN_IN_CONSOLE = 'Ran ``<cmd>`` in console.',
    RAN_CODE_ON_SERVER = 'Ran code on the server:\n```lua\n<cmd>\n```',
    KICKED_PLAYER_WITH_REASON = 'Kicked the player "<name>" with the reason "<reason>".',
    KICKED_PLAYER = 'Kicked the player "<name>".',
    FAILED_SCREENSHOTTING = 'Failed screenshotting the player "<name>": <err>',
    SCREENSHOT_OF_PLAYER = 'Screenshot of the player "<name>" (<sid64>)',
    HELP_TITLE = 'Discord Integration - Help',
    HELP_DESCRIPTION = [[status - Server Info
rcon <STRING> - Runs the specified string in the console
lua <STRING> - Runs the specified string serverside
kick <PLAYER> - Kicks the specified player
ss <PLAYER> - Screenshots the specified player]],

        Screenshotting errors
    INVALID_PLAYER = 'Invalid player.',
    ALREADY_BEING_SCREENSHOTTED = 'The player is already being screenshotted.',

        CAC Integration

        Extra supported strings for CAC_DESCRIPTION and CAC_DESCRIPTION_ERROR:
        <detections> -> All detections seperated by a comma

        Extra supported strings for CAC_DESCRIPTION:
        <url> -> URL to the screenshot

        Extra supported strings for CAC_DESCRIPTION_ERROR:
        <error> -> Error that happened while screenshotting
    CAC_DESCRIPTION = '**__CAC Detection__**: <detections> - [Original](<url>)',
    CAC_DESCRIPTION_ERROR = '**__CAC Detection__**: <detections> - Failed taking screenshot with the error: <error>',

        SimpLAC Integration

        Extra supported strings for SIMPLAC_DESCRIPTION and SIMPLAC_DESCRIPTION_ERROR:
        <detections> -> All detections seperated by a comma

        Extra supported strings for SIMPLAC_DESCRIPTION:
        <url> -> URL to the screenshot

        Extra supported strings for SIMPLAC_DESCRIPTION_ERROR:
        <error> -> Error that happened while screenshotting
    SIMPLAC_DESCRIPTION = '**__SimpLAC Detection__**: <detections> - [Original](<url>)',
    SIMPLAC_DESCRIPTION_ERROR = '**__SimpLAC Detection__**: <detections> - Failed taking screenshot with the error: <error>',

        ModernAC Integration

        <reason> -> The detection reason
    MODERNAC_DESCRIPTION = '**__ModernAC Detection__**: <reason> - [Original](<url>)',
    MODERNAC_DESCRIPTION_ERROR = '**__ModernAC Detection__**: <reason> - Failed taking screenshot with the error: <error>',

        ULX Integration
    ULX_TITLE = 'ULX Log',

        ServerGuard Integration
    SG_TITLE = 'SG Log',

        bWhitelist Integration

        <name> -> The name of the target
        <job> -> The job name
    BWHITELIST_HELP_TEXT = 'job <whitelist/blacklist> <PLAYER> <job - in TEAM_ format or its name>',
    BWHITELIST_WRONG_METHOD = 'Wrong method provided, can only be whitelist/blacklist (e.g. !job whitelist/blacklist Trixter citizen)',
    BWHITELIST_NO_PLAYER_NAME = 'No player name provided.',
    BWHITELIST_NO_JOB_NAME = 'No job name provided.',
    BWHITELIST_JOB_COULDNT_BE_FOUND = 'Job couldn\'t be found with that name.',
    BWHITELIST_WHITELIST_DISABLED = 'Whitelist for this job is disabled.',
    BWHITELIST_BLACKLIST_DISABLED = 'Blacklist for this job is disabled.',

    BWHITELIST_WHITELIST_ADDED = 'Added player <name> to the whitelist of job <job>!',
    BWHITELIST_WHITELIST_REMOVED = 'Removed player <name> from the whitelist of job <job>!',
    BWHITELIST_BLACKLIST_ADDED = 'Added player <name> to the blacklist of job <job>!',
    BWHITELIST_BLACKLIST_REMOVED = 'Removed player <name> from the blacklist of job <job>!',


        End of Lang configuration


Заранее спасибо!


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