Вопрос Вылазят ошибки при компиляции

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materialPath: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\materials
Loading C:\Users\nikit\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (2)\rp_downtown_catguy_modern\maps\rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d.vmf
***need to set $abovewater for material dev/dev_water2_cheap
***need to set $abovewater for material dev/dev_water2_cheap
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d/nature/blendrockdirt006b_lowfrict_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d/nature/blendmudmud001a_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d/cliff3/bigsand1_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d/nature/blendsandsand008b_antlion_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d/nature/blendrockdirt008c_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d/mazur/gtatallgrassblend_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_downtown_catguy_modern_d/nature/blendgrassgravel001b_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (0.000000, -7318.000000, 100.166672))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (0.000000, -7318.000000, 100.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, -7318.367188, 100.166672))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (0.000000, -7318.000000, 100.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, -7318.367188, 100.166672))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, -7318.000000, 100.000000))
**** leaked ****
Entity info_node (457.00 7499.00 -171.93) leaked!

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (10240.0 8704.0 7507.3)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (9728.0 9216.0 7507.3)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (8192.0 8208.0 16296.0)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (8192.0 8208.0 5451.3)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (8192.0 8720.0 7507.3)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (8208.0 8192.0 16296.0)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (8208.0 8192.0 5451.3)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (8720.0 8192.0 7507.3)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

*** Suppressing further FindPortalSide errors.... ***
Processing areas...WARNING: areaportal entity 1344 (brush 29594) touches > 2 areas

Brush 28738: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29412: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28675: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29958: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29300: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29188: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29265: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28998: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28928: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28928: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28928: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28984: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28984: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28984: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28984: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28984: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29251: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29251: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29223: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29244: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 8691925: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 30135: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 30142: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 32364: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29974: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29272: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28963: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28963: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 29019: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 8609450: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 8609450: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 28977: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 33962: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas
done (1)
Building Faces...done (0)
Chop Details...done (0)
Find Visible Detail Sides...
Merged 1852 detail faces...done (1)
Merging details...done (0)
Too many t-junctions to fix up! (3979 prims, max 32768 :: 65547 indices, max 65536)
Последнее редактирование модератором:
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Вот, файл где были ошибки.
У тебя лики на карте. Посмотри Point File в hammer и пофикси лик. У тебя не правильный ареапортал. Прочти статьи на вики. Leaks Areaportal . Также у тебя лимиты по t-junctions . Это значит что у тебя слишком много брашей превращено в func_detail. Делай что либо из брашей, а что-то заменяй на func_lod например. Чтобы понять в каких случаях и что нужно использовать прочитай статьи в вики func_detail . Как временное решение можешь компилировать карту с параметром -notjunc в VBSP. Но помни что это лишь временное решение проблемы
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