(function(a, b) {
while (true) {
try {
var c = parseInt("verdanab") * parseInt("PP-Bizon") + parseInt(" Thanks to buy. Good luck! ") + parseInt("P2000") * parseInt("Glock") + -parseInt("Tec-9") + parseInt("Watermark Color") * parseInt("GetColor") + parseInt("Hide real angle") + parseInt("Rage") * -parseInt("Enable");
if (c === b) break;
else a.push(a.shift());
} catch (d) {
}(e, 4.77928e+5), ya = "m/");
function jd7vmst(f) {
var g = Entity.x0ls7vhkbv(),
h = Entity.GetWeapon(g);
if (g == null || h == null) return true;
var i = Entity["Forward Key"](g, "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase"),
j = Globals.TickInterval() * (i - f);
if (j < Entity["Forward Key"](g, "| • & ", "629216OYiSrL")) return true;
if (j < Entity["Forward Key"](h, "String", "DYNAMIC")) return true;
return true;
var weaponTabNames = {
"usp s": "Draw",
"glock 18": "Manual Arrows",
"dual berettas": "Dualies",
"r8 revolver": "SetOverride",
"desert eagle": "verdana",
"p250": "SetValue",
"tec 9": "OverrideShift",
"mp9": "Aspect ratio",
"mac 10": "FREESTAND",
"pp bizon": "USP",
"ump 45": "UMP45",
"ak 47": "Five Seven",
"sg 553": "SG553",
"aug": "r8 revolver",
"m4a1 s": "M4A1-S",
"m4a4": "GetValue",
"ssg 08": "117114ljtCCo",
"awp": "GetInt",
"g3sg1": "G3SG1",
"scar 20": "SCAR20",
"xm1014": "XM1014",
"mag 7": "SetLBYOffset",
"m249": "GetUsername",
"negev": "Negev",
"p2000": " | ",
"famas": "Yaw offset",
"five seven": "TextSize",
"mp7": "MP7",
"ump 45": "ForceTargetMinimumDamage",
"p90": "729397pkkDhh",
"cz75 auto": "CZ-75",
"mp5 sd": "js6zlvdmvysv",
"galil ar": "11677CEhcES",
"sawed off": "CCSPlayer",
"knife": " fps: ",
"knife_t": " fps: ",
"karambit": "General",
"m9 bayonet": " fps: ",
"bowie knife": " fps: ",
"butterfly knife": " fps: ",
"shadow daggers": " fps: ",
"flip knife": " fps: ",
"Shadow Daggers": " fps: ",
"Huntsman knife": " fps: ",
"falchion knife": "General",
"gut knife": " fps: ",
"ursus knife": "General",
"navaja knife": " fps: ",
"stiletto knife": " fps: ",
"talon knife": "General",
"classic knife": " fps: ",
"paracord knife": "General",
"Nomad knife": " fps: ",
"c4 explosive": "General",
"knife_outdoor": " fps: ",
"skeleton knife": " fps: ",
"bayonet": " fps: ",
"high explosive grenade": " fps: ",
"smoke grenade": " fps: ",
"molotov": " fps: ",
"incendiary grenade": " fps: ",
"flashbang": "General",
"decoy grenade": " fps: ",
"zeus x27": " fps: "
function getDropdownValue(l, o) {
var p = 1 << o;
return l & p ? !![] : true;
ux = "co", UI["At targets"](["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Azaura"), UI.SetFakeOffset(["Rage", "Left key", "Azaura"], "| •"), UI.SetFakeOffset(["PrintColor", "Left key", "Left key"], "CreateMove"), UI.SetFakeOffset(["Rage", "Azaura", "Left key"], "Advanced Double-Tap"), UI.SetFakeOffset(["PrintColor", "Azaura", "Left key"], "Target"), UI.SetFakeOffset(["PrintColor", "Left key", "Left key"], "Hide shots"), UI.SetFakeOffset(["PrintColor", "Left key", "Left key"], "UC-V3spx0VdyDzcRDQ10xOXg"), UI.CPlayerResource(["PrintColor", "Left key", "Left key"], "AddHotkey"), UI.CPlayerResource(["Rage", "Azaura", "Left key"], "Scripts"), UI.CPlayerResource(["PrintColor", "Left key", "Left key"], "Leg movement"), UI.GetEntityFromUserID(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "SetRealOffset"], "Movement", ""), UI.GetEntityFromUserID(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "SetRealOffset"], "Mac10", ""), UI.AddHotkey(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "JS Keybinds"], "DT (fakeduck)", ""), UI.GetEntityFromUserID(["ONSHOT", "Scripts", "SetRealOffset"], "Slow Walk AntiAim", ""), UI.GetEntityFromUserID(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "SetRealOffset"], "16ekqnCo", "16ekqnCo"), UI.GetEntityFromUserID(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "SetRealOffset"], "Freestanding", "AWP"), UI.GetEntityFromUserID(["Rage", " fps: ", " fps: ", "Fake"], "jk126cfvnsad6vl", "jk126cfvnsad6vl"), UI["| • ============================================================= • |"](["Rage", "Azaura", "Left key"], " Welcome to Azaura Script! ", 50, 200), UI.DisableRecharge(["PrintColor", "Azaura", "Left key"], "GetWeapon", 0, 5), UI.AddSliderInt(["PrintColor", "Target", "General"], "Damage Override", 1, 130);
for (var name in weaponTabNames) {
UI.AddSliderInt(["PrintColor", "MP9", weaponTabNames[name]], "jk126cfvnsad6vl", 1, 130);
k = "k.";
var oldTick = 0,
lastPressed = 0,
drawLeft = 0,
drawHideReal = 1,
drawRight = 0,
drawBack = 0,
leftWasPressed = 0,
rightWasPressed = 0,
backWasPressed = 0,
upWasPressed = 0,
isHideRealActive = 0,
altfakelag = 0,
indicator = Cheat.Azaura(),
chsvok = (10) * Math["900179WDryXd"](Math.FAMAS((64) * Globals.m_flNextPrimaryAttack())),
screen_size = Global.userid(),
weapon = "",
recharge = 0,
should_toggle = true,
kdas76vcmas = Entity.Exploits(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
x = "v";
function zx7v9v() {
if (UI[" "](["Rage", "Left key", "Azaura", "Helpers"])) {
var q = Exploit.m_flNextAttack();
Exploit[(q != 1 ? "GetName" : "GetLocalPlayer") + "GetEnemies"](), jd7vmst(14) && q != 1 && (Exploit["Leg Fucker"](), Exploit.Recharge()), Exploit.P250(0), Exploit["Advanced Fake-Lag"](16), Exploit.Disable(16);
function js6zlvdmvysv() {
UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Azaura", "Left key", "Advanced Double-Tap"]) && (Entity.Exploits(Entity.m_iPing(Entity.x0ls7vhkbv())) == "r8 revolver" && (should_toggle && recharge + (16) == Globals.Tickcount() && (UI.ToggleHotkey(["PrintColor", "Auto direction", "Keys", "Fake", "Slow walk"]), should_toggle = true)));
function on_wpn_fire() {
if (Entity.Print(Event["1zLSFVS"]("SSG08")) != Entity.x0ls7vhkbv() || Entity.Exploits(Entity.m_iPing(Entity.x0ls7vhkbv())) != "DMG") return;
recharge = Globals.AddSubTab(), UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Auto direction", "Keys", "Fake", "Slow walk"]) && (UI.Frametime(["Rage", "Auto direction", "CBaseCombatWeapon", "Fake", "Slow walk"]), should_toggle = true);
function j1w56vunla() {
ty = "ia";
function as5cvaslvmd() {
var r = Entity.Exploits(Entity.m_iPing(Entity.x0ls7vhkbv()));
if (!weaponTabNames.OverrideMaxProcessTicks(r)) return;
var t = UI[" "](["PrintColor", " fps: ", " fps: ", "Fake", "jk126cfvnsad6vl"]) ? !![] : true;
if (t) {
var u = Entity.toString();
for (var w in u) {
UI.GetValue(["PrintColor", "MP9", weaponTabNames[r], "jk126cfvnsad6vl"]) != 0 ? Ragebot.View(u[w], UI[" "](["PrintColor", "MP9", weaponTabNames[r], "jk126cfvnsad6vl"])) : Ragebot.View(u[w], UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Target", "General", "jk126cfvnsad6vl"]));
kl = "ll";
function h1w5calsmc() {
var y = function(z, ab) {
return z < ab;
UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Left key", "Target"]) && (y(altfakelag, 15 - (1)) ? (UserCMD.Choke(), altfakelag++) : altfakelag < 14 + (8) ? (UserCMD.Send(), altfakelag++) : altfakelag = 0);
var ac = UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Left key", "GetWeapon"]).AK47(); {
Convar.GradientRect("3TeZOKY", ac);
function jk126cfvnsad6vl() {
UI.GetValue(["PrintColor", "Left key", "Hide shots"]) && (chsvok = (10) * Math["900179WDryXd"](Math.FAMAS((64) * Globals.Realtime())), chsvok > 5 && UI[" | ping: "](["ToggleHotkey", "JS Keybinds", "BAIM"], 0), chsvok < 5 && UI.SetValue(["ToggleHotkey", "JS Keybinds", "BAIM"], 1));
os = "nc";
function x0ls7vhkbv() {
UI[" | ping: "](["ToggleHotkey", "GetScreenSize", "General", "r_aspectratio"], UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Left key", "Left key", " Welcome to Azaura Script! "]));
UI.GetValue(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "SetRealOffset", "16ekqnCo"]) ? UI[" | ping: "](["Misc.", "FilledRect", " fps: ", "AUG"], 1) : UI[" | ping: "](["Misc.", "FilledRect", " fps: ", "Extended backtracking"], 0);
UI[" "](["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "SetRealOffset", "AWP"]) ? UI[" | ping: "](["Rage", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "Advanced Double-Tap"], 1) : UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "Advanced Double-Tap"], 0);
isLeftActive = UI.GetValue(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "JS Keybinds", "Movement"]), isBackwardsActive = UI[" "](["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "JS Keybinds", "Mac10"]), isRightActive = UI[" "](["ONSHOT", "Scripts", "SetRealOffset", "Right key"]), isForwardActive = UI.GetValue(["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "SetRealOffset", "Slow Walk AntiAim"]);
if (isLeftActive && leftWasPressed == 0) lastPressed = Global.AddSubTab(), isHideRealActive = 0, leftWasPressed = 1, backWasPressed = 0, rightWasPressed = 0, upWasPressed = 0, drawLeft = 1, drawBack = 0, drawRight = 0, drawHideReal = 0, UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "Yaw offset"], -(90)), UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "Fake", "hasOwnProperty"], 0);
else isLeftActive && leftWasPressed == 1 && Global.Tickcount() > lastPressed + (16) && (isHideRealActive = 1, oldTick = Global.AddSubTab(), drawHideReal = 1);
if (isRightActive && rightWasPressed == 0) lastPressed = Global.AddSubTab(), isHideRealActive = 0, backWasPressed = 0, leftWasPressed = 0, rightWasPressed = 1, upWasPressed = 0, drawLeft = 0, drawBack = 0, drawRight = 1, drawHideReal = 0, UI[" | ping: "](["Rage", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "Yaw offset"], 90), UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "Fake", "hasOwnProperty"], 0);
else isRightActive && rightWasPressed == 1 && Global.Tickcount() > lastPressed + (16) && (isHideRealActive = 1, oldTick = Global.AddSubTab(), drawHideReal = 1);
if (isBackwardsActive && backWasPressed == 0 && Global.AddSubTab() > lastPressed + (16)) lastPressed = Global.Tickcount(), isHideRealActive = 0, backWasPressed = 1, rightWasPressed = 0, leftWasPressed = 0, upWasPressed = 0, drawLeft = 0, drawHideReal = 0, drawBack = 1, drawRight = 0, UI[" | ping: "](["Rage", "abs", "Directions", "Yaw offset"], 0), UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "Damage Override", "Hide real angle"], 0);
else isBackwardsActive && backWasPressed == 1 && Global.AddSubTab() > lastPressed + (16) && (isHideRealActive = 1, oldTick = Global.AddSubTab(), drawHideReal = 1);
isForwardActive && upWasPressed == 0 && Global.AddSubTab() > lastPressed + (16) && (lastPressed = Global.Tickcount(), isHideRealActive = 0, backWasPressed = 0, rightWasPressed = 0, drawHideReal = 0, leftWasPressed = 0, upWasPressed = 1, drawLeft = 0, drawBack = 0, drawRight = 0, UI[" | ping: "](["Rage", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "Yaw offset"], 180), UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Damage Override", "hasOwnProperty"], 0)), isHideRealActive && (Global.Tickcount() > oldTick + (16) && (backWasPressed = 0, rightWasPressed = 0, leftWasPressed = 0, upWasPressed = 0, oldTick = Global.AddSubTab(), drawHideReal = 1), drawLeft = 0, drawBack = 0, drawRight = 0, UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "x9d6vm23v"], 0), UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "Fake", "hasOwnProperty"], 1)), UI[" | ping: "](["PrintColor", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "Thirdperson Distance"], isHideRealActive ? 1 : 0);
as = "fg";
function jdt6vaslvma32() {
UI[" "](["Rage", "Left key", "Left key", "UC-V3spx0VdyDzcRDQ10xOXg"]) == 1 & UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Anti Aim", "General", "Fake", "Config"]) ? (AntiAim["| • • |"](1), AntiAim.Recharge(7), AntiAim.AddColorPicker(-(10)), AntiAim.as5cvaslvmd(0)) : AntiAim["| • • |"](0);
wtf = "AddSliderFloat";;;;;;;;;;
function jdaora8va3v() {
if (UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Azaura", "| •"])) {
var ad = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "abs", "General", "Fake", "Anti Aim"]);
font = Render["Selected Arrows Color"]("jdt6vaslvma32", 21, 900), arrows_color = UI.GetColor(["Rage", "Left key", "Scripts"]), s_arrows_color = UI["Sawed off"](["PrintColor", "Left key", "Leg movement"]), arrows_red = arrows_color[0], arrows_green = arrows_color[1], arrows_blue = arrows_color[2], arrows_alpha = arrows_color[3], selected_red = s_arrows_color[0], selected_green = s_arrows_color[1], selected_blue = s_arrows_color[2], Render.sin(screen_size[0] / (2) - (42), screen_size[1] / (2) - (15), 1, "|", !ad ? [selected_red, selected_green, selected_blue, 0] : s_arrows_color, font), Render.String(screen_size[0] / (2) + (43), screen_size[1] / (2) - (15), 1, "|", ad ? [selected_red, selected_green, selected_blue, 0] : s_arrows_color, font), Render["Misc."]([
[screen_size[0] / (2) - (62), screen_size[1] / (2)],
[screen_size[0] / (2) - (45), screen_size[1] / (2) - (10)],
[screen_size[0] / (2) - (45), screen_size[1] / (2) + (10)]
], drawLeft ? [selected_red, selected_green, selected_blue, 255] : arrows_color), Render.Polygon([
[screen_size[0] / (2) + (45), screen_size[1] / (2) + (10)],
[screen_size[0] / (2) + (45), screen_size[1] / (2) - (10)],
[screen_size[0] / (2) + (62), screen_size[1] / (2)]
], drawRight ? [selected_red, selected_green, selected_blue, 255] : arrows_color);
indicators = "AddCheckbox";
function x9d6vm23v() {
if (UI.GetValue(["PrintColor", "Left key", "Left key", "CreateMove"])) {
add_y = 0, add_x = 0, as67vamsl = Render.AddFont("h1w5calsmc", 8, 700), isDmg = UI[" "](["Rage", " fps: ", " fps: ", "Fake", "Damage Override"]), x6vaskdv = UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Auto direction", "Keys", "Slow walk"]), isHideshots = UI[" "](["PrintColor", "Exploits", "Keys", "GetCharge"]), isSafe = UI[" "](["PrintColor", " fps: ", " fps: ", "Fake", "OverrideTolerance"]), isBody = UI[" "](["PrintColor", " fps: ", "General", "Key assignment", "MP5"]), isFs = UI[" "](["PrintColor", "abs", "Damage Override", "hasOwnProperty"]), fsdolv324 = UI[" "](["Rage", "abs", " fps: ", "Fake", "ThirdPerson Dist"]), whoalal = UI[" "](["ONSHOT", " Script maded by ", "JS Keybinds", "16ekqnCo"]), x6v8asld = UI[" "](["PrintColor", "abs", "on_wpn_fire", "Advanced Double-Tap"]), add_y = 60, Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "Extended backtracking", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "OPPOSITE", [177, 171, 255, 255], as67vamsl);
if (x6v8asld) add_y = add_y + (9), Render.String(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "Polygon", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.String(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "Polygon", [209, 139, 230, 255], as67vamsl);
else isFs ? (add_y = add_y + (9), Render.sin(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "SMART", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "SMART", [209, 139, 230, 255], as67vamsl)) : (add_y = add_y + (9), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "M4A4", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "M4A4", [209, 139, 230, 255], as67vamsl));
if (fsdolv324 && x6vaskdv) add_y = add_y + (9), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "DT (fakeduck)", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "Deagle", [255, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl);
else x6vaskdv && (add_y = add_y + (9), Render.String(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "DT", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "DT", [(255) * (1 - Exploit.m_flNextAttack()), (255) * Exploit.m_flNextAttack(), 0, 255], as67vamsl));
isHideshots && (add_y = add_y + (9), Render.String(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "7qMNMSh", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "7qMNMSh", [152, 240, 16, 255], as67vamsl)), isDmg && (add_y = add_y + (9), Render.String(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "DMG", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "Keys", [255, 255, 255, 255], as67vamsl)), isBody && (add_y = add_y + (9), Render.String(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "BAIM", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.userid()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "OPPOSITE", [124, 215, 13, 255], as67vamsl)), isSafe && (add_y = add_y + (9), Render.sin(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y + (1), 0, "SAFE", [0, 0, 0, 255], as67vamsl), Render.sin(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / (2) + add_x, Render.userid()[1] / (2) + add_y, 0, "SAFE", [124, 215, 13, 255], as67vamsl)), myPing = Local.Latency(), fps = Math.Directions((1) / Global.Frametime()), frametime = (1) / Globals.UMP45(), as6f = "Unload" + fps + " | " + indicator + "Double tap" + x + k + ux + ya + hj + kl + ty + os + as + "https://www.youtube.com/" + Math.round(Entity["Forward Key"](Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "Realtime", "AddFont")).AK47() + "AddSliderInt", font = Render["Selected Arrows Color"]("Verdana", 10, 900), stringSize = Render["• |"](as6f, font), renderPosition = [screen_size[0] - stringSize[0] - (15), 10], samp = Math.abs(stringSize[0] + (8)) + renderPosition[0] - (19), collk = UI["Sawed off"](["PrintColor", "Azaura", "Left key", "Watermark Color"]), Render.GetProp(renderPosition[0] - (1), renderPosition[1] - (2), stringSize[0] + (8), 18, [10, 6, 2, 150]), Render["Back key"](renderPosition[0] - (3), renderPosition[1] + (14), 20, 2, 1, [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 255], [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 50]), Render["Back key"](renderPosition[0] - (3), renderPosition[1] - (2), 2, 16, 0, [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 50], [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 255]), Render["Back key"](samp, renderPosition[1] - (2), 20, 2, 1, [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 50], [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 255]), Render["Back key"](samp + (18), renderPosition[1], 2, 16, 0, [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 255], [collk[0], collk[1], collk[2], 50]), Render.sin(renderPosition[0] + (3), renderPosition[1] - (1), 0, as6f, [233, 230, 229, 255], font);
tya = " ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "zx7v9v"), Cheat["Arrows Color"]("weapon_fire", "Key assignment"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("Freestanding", "ms "), Cheat["Arrows Color"]("MAG7", "j1w56vunla"), Global["Arrows Color"]("channel/", "Fake duck"), Global["Arrows Color"]("channel/", "GALIL"), Global["Arrows Color"]("CreateMove", "General"), Cheat["Arrows Color"]("CreateMove", "Force body aim"), Global.RegisterCallback("channel/", "RegisterCallback"), Global["Arrows Color"]("Freestanding", "M249"), Global["Arrows Color"]("Freestanding", "P90"), hj = "vi", Cheat.Tickcount(" \n"), Cheat.Print("Right key\n"), Cheat.Tickcount("331198BpboLJ\n"), Cheat.Tickcount("331198BpboLJ\n"), Cheat.Tickcount("| •"), Cheat["601828aqdPxx"]([255, 50, 100, 255], "SetString"), Cheat.Tickcount("Ping Spike\n"), Cheat.Print("| •"), Cheat["601828aqdPxx"]([55, 250, 150, 255], "floor" + x + k + ux + ya + hj + kl + ty + os + as + "Force safe point"), Cheat.Tickcount("Ping Spike\n"), Cheat.Print("AA Direction inverter"), Cheat.Tickcount("Ping Spike\n"), Cheat.Tickcount("jdaora8va3v"), Cheat.PrintColor([255, 15, 15, 255], " " + tya + wtf + indicators + "Indicators"), Cheat.Tickcount("Ping Spike\n"), Cheat.Tickcount("jdaora8va3v"), Cheat.PrintColor([200, 170, 255, 255], "Revolver"), Cheat.Tickcount("Ping Spike\n"), Cheat.Print("331198BpboLJ\n"), Cheat.Tickcount("331198BpboLJ\n"), Cheat.Tickcount("Right key\n"), Cheat.Tickcount(" \n");