Новости ev0lve 4.3.0 | Update

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- Improved overall performance
- Implemented new renderer
- cheat loading times drastically improved
- better overall quality
- support for animated textures
- shader support
- better performance
- Fixed a crash in skinchanger that happened on inject
- Fixed a crash in skinchanger that happened on disconnect
- Fixed a heap corruption in Preview that eventually crashed the game on map switch/console open/panorama panel open
- Fixed a crash in Preview that happened on inject
- Fixed a crash in renderer that happened on resolution switch
- Fixed a bug that hotkeys were still processed if a console or chat is open

- Added “fake ping”
- Added fakelag options "None", "Dynamic", "Maximum"
- Implemented new autostrafer
- Implemented smooth steps for body lean
- Applies only when playing without ensure body lean
- Improved autostop
- Improved performance
- Improved fast fire and hide shots
- Hide shots will now force lower fakelag, yet offer more survivability when peeking
- Improved fakelag accuracy
- Improved hitpoint selection
- Reworked hitscan to account for desync and body lean
- Reworked freestanding
- Reworked antiaim
- Added option “Yaw offset”
- Added yaw modifier “Spin”
- Removed yaw modifiers “Directional” and “Half Jitter”
- Freestanding will now default to backwards when no enemy is in sight
- Leg movement “Opposite” no longer requires full desync
- Reworked desync
- Added options “Foot yaw” and “Desync amount”
- Removed option “Desync”
- Fixed issue leading to incorrect extrapolation of enemies
- Fixed connection issue on servers with a higher player count
- Fixed invisible brushes leading to incorrect wall penetration results
- Fixed incorrect minimum damage for shotguns
- Fixed severe issue in target selection
- Fixed aimbot inaccuracies while landing
- Fixed ragebot not targeting newly connected players
- Fixed instance where cheat would not recognize enemy as hittable behind certain obstacles
- Fixed bug that could lead to incorrect desync state after shooting
- Fixed revolver shooting the ground during fast fire recharge
- Delay shot can now be set per weapon group
- Fakelag will no longer exceed the set value in order to break lagcompensation at high speeds
- Changed resolver to be more lenient when starting to hit a player that was previously considered not resolvable
- Ragebot will now consider more than one target at a time
- Optimized aimbot for shooting with scout while jumping
- Integrated option "Translate jump impulse" into new category "Desync triggers":
- "On Jump Impulse": Previously known as "Translate jump impulse"
- "Avoid Extrapolation": Creates animation conditions that are hard to predict when peeking enemies
- "Avoid Lag Compensation": Creates animation conditions that are hard to predict when being backtracked
- Please note that these triggers require either "Fast fire" or "Hide shots" to be enabled
- The latter two options also change your antiaim when triggered
- Added "Disable with grenade" for thirdperson
- Added "Disable bloom effect"
- Added Shared ESP
- Added new "Software" flag to the ESP
- Added weapon ESP ammo color
- Added a color picker for offscreen ESP
- Improved nightmode
- Improved accuracy of history and fake chams
- Fixed interpolation of bounding box changes
- Fixed player ESP box scaling incorrectly with alpha
- Fixed lighting issue on chams
- Weapon icon now respects color selection

- Added edge jump
- Added inventory unlock
- Fixed instance where peek assistant would not unpeek after shot
- Fixed incorrect local player animations after respawn or round end

- Added Blur effect setting (MISC -> Settings)
- Added tooltips for some functions
- Implemented new way of changing sliders: hold CTRL and scroll mouse wheel while hovered to change value by step
- Implemented debug mode
- toggle in SCRIPTS -> General
- shows control or container ID when hovered
- middle click to copy
- Fixed incorrect display of scroll grip when inside area is too big
- Fixed a bug that some controls that have dependency on other controls didn't update correctly on inject
- Fixed a bug that "Enable menu sounds" didn't show as selected on inject
- Fixed a bug with indicator windows
- Fixed viewmodel XYZ sliders' step to be more precise
- Removed snow effect
- Renamed second Flashbang entry in Buybot to avoid confusion
- Reordered menu items "Hide shot", "Slow Walk", and "Fake Duck"
- Lightly reorganized Visuals menu

- Fixed skin list being empty
- Agent changer now applies to ragdolls

- Added is_bot and is_hltv to engine.get_player_info()
- Added math.clamp(value, min, max)
- Fixed vec3 functions not being available (dot, cross, length, length2d)
- Added vec3:length_sqr()
- Added vec3:length2d_sqr()
- Implemented a way to add inline controls
- 1. Create a control with some ID
- 2. Create another control with a different ID, but pass previous controls' ID to container_id parameter
- 3. Controls will be inlined
- Also works with any other existing menu control
- Not available for labels, textboxes and buttons as they are meant to be full-length
- gui controls now support :get()/:set(v) as aliases to :get_value()/:set_value(v)
- gui.textbox now accepts 2 optional arguments: gui.textbox(id, container_id, regex: string/nil, max_length: number/nil)
- note: using :set_value will ignore regex and max_length parameters
- fixed :get_value(true) for comboboxes returning nil if no element is selected
- Added vec3:unpack(): x, y, z
- Deprecated entity:get_prop()
- Deprecated entity:set_prop()
- Implemented a new way of accessing netvars:
- simply do entity.m_NetvarName to get it's value
- alternatively, entity.m_NetvarName = Value to set
- arrays are also supported
- Improved performance of get_prop and set_prop
- Deprecated utils.http_get and utils.http_post
- Added net.http_get
- Added net.http_post
- Added net.listen(id: string, on_ready: function())
- Added net.broadcast(id: string, data: table)
- Added on_net_data(id: string, from: number, data: table) forward
- net.listen and net.broadcast allow you to easily communicate with other users that are using the same script
- id should be as unique as possible, so your data can't be easily sniffed and spoofed
- for now there are no ratelimits, but please do not overload the server - meaning, don't broadcast messages too often (about each 500ms would be fine atm)
- Added render.set_texture(texture / nil)
- Added render.set_uv(x0, y0, x1, y1 / nil)
- Added render.set_alpha(mod)
- Added render.get_alpha()
- Added render.blur(x0, y0, x1, y1, fn: ())
- First 4 parameters is the on-screen bounding box of the shape you want to draw
- Do a SINGLE! call in fn() callback with desired shape (color MUST be white)
- Example #1: if you want to render a rectangle, pass it's positions to both render.blur and render.rect_filled in fn() callback
- Example #2: if you want to render a circle, pass it's BOUNDING BOX to render.blur (center - radius to center + radius) and call render.circle_filled in fn() callback
- To control alpha, use render.set_alpha()
- Added render.create_shader(src)
- As of now, you can't add custom parameters to shader
- However, you get pre-existing ones:
- s0: sampler - current texture
- c0: float2 - current texture's dimensions, in pixels
- c1: float - current time
- c2: float - current alpha override
- Fragment (aka pixel) shader is using Shader Model 2, just like the game
- Entry point MUST be called "main"!
- Added render.set_shader(shader)
- To invoke the shader, call any shape after you set one
- Added render.font_flag_antialias
- Works only with render.create_font_gdi
- Added render.back_buffer and render.back_buffer_downsampled textures
- Note that those are updated ONLY when you have a shader set
- Deprecated render.push/pop_texture, push/pop_uv, push_pop/alpha
- Added info.ev0lve.charged (float that indicates how far your DT is charged)
- Added game_rules.is_warmup_period
- Added game_rules.is_paused
- combobox:set_value() now may accept a table of values for multiselect combos (empty to unset), or nil (to unset)
- combo:set_value(nil) -- unset values
- combo:set_value({}) -- also unset
- combo:get_value() now may accept a string value. Will return true if a provided option was selected (example: combo:get_value('Chat'))
- render.create_texture, render.create_texture_bytes, render.create_texture_stream now accept animated GIFs
- Added render.set_frame(texture, frame)
- Added render.get_frame_count(texture): number
- Added render.set_loop(texture, value)
- Added render.reset_loop(texture)
- Fixed render.get_texture_size not working
- render.text now accepts 1 more alignment parameter: if align_center or align_right is set, all lines within the text will be formatted accordingly (if you are unsure how this works, take a look at any WYSIWYG editor and try to change line alignment)
- Added render.wrap_text(font, text, width): string
- Added render.set_rotation(rot) - note: rotation is counted in degrees (NOT radians)
- Passing "ffi" into require() function will now do no effect and just return already loaded FFI
- Added entity:get_ptr(): number
- Added render.set_anti_aliasing(val: bool)
- Added render.set_render_mode(mode: enum)
- render.mode_normal (default)
- render.mode_wireframe
- Added thickness and outline parameters to render.rect, render.circle and render.triangle
- render.outline_inset (default)
- render.outline_outset
- render.outline_center
- Added render.rect_rounded(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, rounding, sides = all, thickness = 1, outline = inset)
- Added render.circle_filled_multicolor(x, y, radius, a, b, segments = 36, fill = 1, rot = 0)
- Added gui.list(id, container_id, is_multi, height = 120)
- Height can't be less than 40
- At the moment you can't get other lists, since gui.get_list function doesn't exist (and probably will never be)
- Functions:
- :get_value(), :set_value() work identical to combobox
- :add(option: string), :remove(option: string) - add/remove options
- :get_options() - returns an array of all options within the list
- Added :get_name(), :get_type() to all controls
- Added :get_options() to combobox
- Fixed some bugs with several API functions
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
- Added fakelag options "None", "Dynamic", "Maximum"
- Added yaw modifier “Spin”
Иyновации под переход на второй сурс, не как иначе. Теперь можно спин подрубить, уфф пушка жЫ есть :peperjomba:. Как вообще можно такое в лайв билд давать, это должно быть только в альфе, особенно fake ping.
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Иyновации под переход на второй сурс, не как иначе. Теперь можно спин подрубить, уфф пушка жЫ есть :peperjomba:. Как вообще можно такое в лайв билд давать, это должно быть только в альфе, особенно fake ping.
Ну если сделать так как в нле где fake ping сажает фпс и заставляет чит делеить еще больше то нахуй оно вообще надо.
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Контакты для связи отсутствуют.
Ну если сделать так как в нле где fake ping сажает фпс и заставляет чит делеить еще больше то нахуй оно вообще надо.
Я вообще о том, что оно нахер не нужно именно вот сейчас, лучше не выкидывать функционал альфы чем дать людям спинбот за несколько месяцев до перехода на новый движок. Это из серии, ну пусть покрутятся на последок :peperjomba: :peperjomba: Вон второй сурс в открытом доступе лежит, явно аккаунт для мульти плеера себе можно купить и искать эксплойты и писать чит, они дали спинбот :peperjomba: :peperjomba: :peperjomba: Сейчас вотэти апдейты для импрува раге бота или там какого то функционала просто не актуальны. Может быть этот апдейт должен был быть великим в далеких планах, а тут оп и анонс о переходе, значит нужно выкатить это, посмотрим.
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